Log Status






Time Played

37h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 22, 2022

Platforms Played


Blew away my expectations. I couldn't imagine a better game that's set during my least favourite section of the original FFVII. The remake brings Midgar and the world of FFVII to life in a way that made me care about everyone and everything going on. The whole party is excellent. The cast of characters are all just done so so well. I loved them all. Especially Barret.

The combat system is also pitch perfect. It's the freshest combat system I've played in an action RPG in over a decade. It's so damn fun. I love how it pays respect to it's turn based lineage by allowing you to pause the action when selecting abilities too. It's just a such a well thought out and nuanced battle system. I wasn't expecting it to be so well done. Likewise, the materia system is really engaging and made for a fun side-goal throughout the game. There are so many materia combinations to try out and experiment with. Again, this is really good stuff. It all rules.

I do have a few nitpicks though. The puzzles are serviceable at best. But at their worst, they slow down the pacing and I wished that I could skip them. There's also maybe one or two filler chapters in this game. I wasn't too bothered by it since the gameplay and characters are just so much fun. But it's still worth mentioning I feel.

The way the game ends is so fucking cool. I'm absolutely thrilled with the direction Nomura went in. It's like they picked the most exciting way to do a remake of such a beloved game. Screw a 1:1 remake. FFVII still exists and can be played on just about every modern system. It's time to move on and Remake does just that.

The original FFVII is a game with such a massive scope and ambition. So massive that I felt it was never able to truly deliver on it. I feel like Remake is not only delivering on the promise of the original but has a good chance a exceeding it. This is just a world I love to be in and the future is bright. I can't wait to see what fate brings.