Russian Roulette meets Inscryption but the whole game is 30 minutes long.

Very well executed for what it is. Because of how short it is, it's hard not to recommend most people give it try. That being said, there's not much to it.

Completely solidifies my belief that Doom is best when it's a puzzle shooter. The final boss is a bit much but otherwise, the enemy combat variety here is incredible and adds a great layer on top of Doom Eternal's awesome core loops.

I really hope the next Doom game continues this style of gameplay.

A surprisingly great VR showcase.

Fun puzzles that are a bit on the easier side. A lot of the puzzles felt quite intuitive in VR as well. There's a mechanic that allows you to become small and go inside of structures to solve puzzles. The sense of scale was really well done.

I didn't expect much from Room VR considering the franchise is most mobile fare. They did a great job with this VR entry.

It's more of the base game but even prettier at times. This game is still an incredible technical showcase. A dull one, but a showcase nonetheless.

I got this thinking it'd be a Beat Saber rip-off.

Synth Riders is really it's own thing and much more dance-y. I dig it. Really enjoy how much effort is put into the charts. Most songs are an absolute blast.

I hadn't played a proper Ubisoft Open-World game since Far Cry 4's release. I'm a huge Avatar: The Way of Water fan so I said fuck it. It's been a while since I played one of these, let's go.

It really is Far Cry almost exactly how I remember it. There are elements of the loop that are changed but for the most part, this is a game about clearing outposts and doing repeatable activities while engaging in a story about a resistance uprising. There is comfort to be found in the predictability and checklist nature of this game. Sometimes it's just fun to turn my brain off and focus on doing whatever the checklist asks of me. But after a while, I wanted more from Frontiers of Pandora.

The world of Pandora realized by Massive is jaw-dropping at times. They did a fantastic job of putting this together. From a technical perspective, FOP is often the best looking game I've played on the PS5. It's incredible. This really helped in making the experience of roaming the open world more exciting for me. As this is by far my favorite part of the game. Exploring the world on my Ikram always felt right. And I appreciated that they got this part right.

The story is not good. It starts off with an interesting premise but I could not care about how any of these characters are written. I would not recommend playing this for the story.

I liked Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora enough. It's a harsh reminder of how little Ubisoft cares about advancing and introducing new gameplay concepts in their games. Massive making an Avatar game could have been an opportunity to really innovate on the gameplay loop present in so many of their games. They chose the safe route and that really holds Avatar back from being something greater.

One of the better PowerWash DLCs so far (best is still SpongeBob).

Lots of fun stuff to wash here. Only thing bringing it down is how little I care about Alice in Wonderland as an IP.

It pains me to give this such a low score but the game is clearly unfinished.

The art is immaculate and I adore the 50's cartoon vibes. But the actual point and click part is pretty abysmal. These puzzles seem designed to be solved only by the people who made them. For the most part, this is a collection of some of the least intuitive puzzles I've ever played in game.

The artist who made the incredible art, Nacho Rodriguez, has even said that "the game that has been released is not faithful to the instructions given, nor is it the experience that was designed for the player." I can't think of a more damning yet representative statement about what I just played. It's clear there's gold here but lots went wrong and the game we're left with feels wrong.

Turns out that the people who made Doom Eternal know how to make a great DLC.

The new enemy types are awesome. I especially enjoyed the Ghostbuster enemy. Good stuff. I loved how difficult this DLC was as well. Ancient Gods: Part 1 expects you to excel at Doom Eternal and that makes some of the combat encounters so satisfying to overcome.

I wasn't wild about the final boss fight from a mechanics POV. A bit too frantic. But everything before it felt just right. DLC done right, for sure.

This short and sweet horror metroidvania has become one of my favorites.

What the Golf? is such a fun spin on the Wario Ware style microgame collection. A big part of the fun is trying to keep up with all the ways the devs try to play with your expectations.

I beat this in 2021 and felt like re-visiting it. I'm glad I did as my appreciation grew even more. One of the best bite sized experiences.

In many ways better than the base game. It's also way more difficult. This is great for the most part but the last few bonus levels are a little insane and made my head hurt.

A Little to the Left continues to be a game I can enjoy with my partner and with these being some of the best levels in the whole package, it deserves a great score.

Doom Eternal is still the best Doom game I've played. A triumph in thoughtful shooter design.

I liked basically half of this game. I got this coming off of Powerwash Simulator looking for a similar game. House Flipper mostly scratched that itch.

I liked the cleaning parts put could never care enough to fill the house with nice furniture. The UI and way it's done on a controller never felt right. Shame. Very likely a game better suited for PC, I'll give it that. But I also don't think I enjoyed filling the houses with furniture at all.

House 3.5/5
Flipper 2/5

Pizza Possum is everything I want from a bite-sized game. It's not this incredible game or anything. But it's a simple concept that's immediately fun and does not overstay it's welcome.

In Pizza Possum, the goal is to eat this big ass pizza on the top of a mountain. To get there you need to unlock doors by eating food laying around. On the way there, dog cops will instantly try to catch you if they spot you. Very simple and frantic gameplay loop.

Cool little game to play if ever you have 1-3 hours to spare.