I went into Ragnarok out of a sense of obligation. I enjoyed GoW 2018 but I didn't see what everyone else saw. It was a good game but something about the combat didn't click. It did have a really strong narrative though so I still look back at it fondly. When I started Ragnarok, there was a feeling of deja-vu to the plot and combat that instantly bored me. I was ready to write the game off.

So imagine my surprise when I eventually conceded that not only is Ragnarok good, but it may very well be the best game in the entire franchise. There are so many smart changes and ideas in here. I can't get over how lovingly made this game is.

The difference in the combat is night and day with the original. There's a weight to every hit that is just so satisfying. There's also a readability to enemy patterns that just wasn't there in the last game. It not only works but it proved to me that this combat system is excellent. I love it wholeheartedly. Meanwhile, the narrative is also just an absolute joy. I cared about every side character which is an achievement in itself. Even the ones that I didn't care for in 2018 are amazing here. And this is in no small part due to the industry best writing on display. Everyone feels real and fueled by human motivations.

It's also worth mentioning that this is a game where the side content feels essential. Exploring the realms, hearing dialogue and finding new combat challenges all interweave together to create this sublime experience and atmosphere. Ragnarok truly feels like an epic sprawling adventure and that feeling is accentuated by the exploration.

I'm so thrilled with what Sony Santa Monica achieved here. Ragnarok is the culmination of smart and thoughtful game design decisions and I'm so happy to have been proven wrong about it.

Obtained 100% completion in-game as well as the platinum trophy

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2022
