2 reviews liked by NiQR

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This installment of the Silent Hill series is my first, and what a terrific decision that was. This game's unique premise, centered around the mysterious and ever-changing apartment room of Henry Townshend, creates a sense of claustrophobia and discomfort that no other horror game has achieved for me. This story doesn't rely on previous knowledge of the other installments, and for me, it enriches the storytelling with a gripping plot that gradually unfolds in disturbing and unsettling layers of depth that kept me engaged and immersed to my core.

The sound design is a major standout feature that significantly contributes to the atmosphere, enhancing the sense of dread and anticipation that Henry is feeling throughout the game. Every creak, groan, and distant sound adds to the suspense, making every moment a nerve-wracking experience.

Visually speaking, the environments are hauntingly beautiful, and the monster designs are some of the most grotesque and imaginative that I have seen yet. The attention to detail in the landscapes is something I also really appreciated. With every note I pick up, I can imagine myself being in that person's position, writing it out, and seeing their demise as I pick up an item that once was their belonging.

The second half of this game really sealed the deal with its interconnected level design and the constant stress of having to deal with Walter stalking you in every world all while protecting Eileen. The revisits are some of the most rewarding puzzles I have experienced yet and never overstayed their welcome. The revisits were by no means a handout, but feel a lot more intuitive once I figured out the Silent Hill formula. At first, I was not looking forward to replaying the respective worlds from previous bad experiences like Kingdom Hearts 2. Silent Hill 4 did not take the easy route with lazy writing/development having to revisit the worlds a second time, but took it as a creative opportunity to maximize the content of the game, given you are stuck in a room that slowly deteriorates along with the sanity of Henry as he loses more of his peers to the unrelenting world of Silent Hill.

This game has single-handedly made me a fan of psychological horror games, as it truly delivered a bone-chilling and memorable experience. Silent Hill 4 is an absolute gem to me, and it deserves every bit of its 5-star rating.

A huge improvement to basically every element puzzles, atmosphere, story, and setting are all a solid step up from the first game. I love how the town is used to explore the trauma all the characters have gone through and the game does a great job portraying just how hard overcoming those mental scars can be. This goes for silent hill 1 too but I love how they handle the horror it never feels cheap or reliant on jump scares its always so deliberate and conscious of the story. James is an awesome main character and this games story is outstanding.