Straight forward collectathon with the same control scheme as Sly 1 on the ps2. If that sounds appealing to you then I highly recommend it. Otherwise, you can skip it.

Extremely satisfying movement. It's a 3D metroidvania so expect some backtracking. GOTY 2023.

A great action game with rock solid movement.

Mario Party is not that fun to begin with.

This is my "trapped on a deserted island and can only bring one Turbografx16 game with you" game.

Best 3DS game. Easily. The only pain worse than the wrist strain is the emotional pain of not playing Kid Icarus: Uprising.

Every corny anime shlock game they release with the words Fire Emblem tacked on the title makes me sour on this game a little more, but if you look at this game in a vacuum you'll be left with a very solid SRPG that brought a lot to the table at a time when the entire genre felt stale. Lots of innovations in this game.