June, 2024



New Game! And a rare one too.

Actually had this game for a while, but was waiting for the case and manual to come in.

Completed the Prologue, and and in the thicket of Chapter 1.

It's a fun, if albeit simple, hack'n'slash game. I've got 3 out of the 48 body parts. Met the titular Dororo.



Did a few PQs, even gained a few skills, then grinded on the (currently) last PQ for an extended amount of EXP, leveling up once. Certainly gotta do it a few more times.

After that, jumped back into the Legendary Patrol Campaign and completed the "Return of the Saiyans" saga.


Returned to the PQ I played previously, and managed to get the Ultimate Finish win conditions. Subsequently, after learning the conditions, I proceeded to replay the quest over and over to gain the skills I wanted.

Even managed to level up with the points awarded. Nice.

Played with the new skill, and giggled like a little kid for how awesome it was. Permanent stay.


Chapter 1 Episode 3: God Vegeta Arc.

Instead of Goku, Vegeta was chosen to be the next Saiayan God. With Fu's interference, things become complicated... and interesting for Beerus.

In the Epilogue, after all was said and done, and collecting energy from these experiments, Fu completes his Demon Time Ring, and gets an intriguing peek into the future, promising to show us next time.

With that, the DLC story is on pause.

After that, I went ahead and started the Legendary Time Patrol and beat down Raditz. Also jumped into one of the latest PQs.


Episode 2 of Chapter 1: Super Dark Black Arc.

This one was rather fun. What if Zamas traded bodies with Goku, but didn't immediately kill him, and instead got different power ups? The answer is Zamas!Goku teams up with everyone and helps eliminate the mad god body snatcher.

Gonna be fun jumping into Episode 3.


New DLC!

Did Episode 1 of Chapter 1; The Broly Arc.

Quite the standard set of fights, but they were still relatively fun. Episode 2 is next. I'll be playing that one soon.


Started an EX Hard Mode run (limited NG+ run). Dying a WHOLE lot quicker. Might be fun when I return to it at a later date.



Omega has fully formed, and Vincent has fully transformed into Chaos. Shelke comes in with a neuro-network dive, finds the protomateria and fuses it with Vincent.

Many, many flashbacks through Dr. Lucrencia's eyes, and her formerly shattered consciousness reforms and confronts Vincent, snapping him out of his misery.

Goes controlled Devilman, and begins the fight.

After infuriating Omega's body, Vincent has a shoot out with the inner core, bringing out the now empty shell of a vessel, and shoots that too.

Omega tries to GTFO the planet, and the spirit of Chaos follows, destroying it for good, and saving the world.

Roll credits.



Fought my way through Mako Reactor 0, and found Nero trying to Resurrect Weiss. Fight breaks out, he transforms into a weird spider thing, but gets wrecked after realizing the shield he had wasn't invincible.

Proceed to the inner chainber, and SURPRISE! Hojo has hijacked Weiss's body and killed Nero. Hopeless bossfight ensues, until Vincent attains Chaos powers to counter Hojo!Weiss' power and speed.

Destroyed Hojo, and he subsequently gets screwed over by Weiss and Nero's brotherly love, before they jump into the Lifestream together.

Now, onto the final battle. Omega is coming...


Decended further into Shinra Building, stole some documents, slaughtered some bozos. Met Azul again, and shredded through his first phase.

His second phase was an issue though, but consecutive Limit Breaks helped put an end to that.

Impaled with extreme prejudice.

Now underneath the building, in Old Midgar ruins, finding nifty hidden items and equipment through an interesting card-key puzzle.

Met Nero the Sable, and used my gun as a flashlight, scaring him off (or, I suppose Yuffie's antics got him to Nope out of there). Saved Shelke.

Learned more of Vincent's story. All I can say is... dude...


On the ride back with Yuffie, we get jumped by more Deepground dumbasses just before reaching the WRO headquarters, which are badly begging for mouthfuls of bullets. Returned to the WRO, only to find it mostly wrecked and Azul is freed. He tried to kill Shelke, and managed to seriously injure Dr. Shalua.

Shit hit the fan, so favors are called and the remaining WRO forces, as well as the original FF7 crew band together to storm the remnants of Midgar. All aboard Cid's new chip; Shera.

Upon reaching the rotted pizza, fought through the train graveyard and encountered Rosso. Too bad she had to bitch out. I guess she couldn't take what she could give.

Now into the depths of Deepground I go. Let's see what else I can shoot...

May, 2024


Continued my journey. Getting better at the gunplay. Finding 1st person mode to work in tight corridors. Beginning to understand the gun modes and their benefits/drawbacks beyond speed, range, and power.

Cleared the WRO Headquarters defense chapter and made quick work of Shelke and even quicker work of Azul.

Went off to the sewers of Nibelheim and snuck into the Shinra Manor. Met Rosso again, and fought her dirty cheating laser robot. After a sneak attack by the scarlet twat, Yuffie jumped in to save Vincent's dumbass.



Finally decided to play something, and it was a game I had taken an interest in after years of hearing about it.

Played the first three chapters, actually quite enjoying it for what it is. Gunplay is surprisingly good and WAY more varied than I thought it would be (not at first, but as I started unlocking things, it became much more apparent).

HOWEVER... holy crap, was the button mapping absolutely awful at first. Re-mapped a bunch of things so it didn't feel like my fingers had schizophrenia. Controls MUCH better after that. Visited the Town of Kalm, the Wastelands, and the Town of Edge.



Did what I could, finishing Fuuka's Social link, and having not enough time to do Mitsuru's. Proceeded to bonk Jin, bonk Takaya, and fight the final boss where Aigis got the last hit in with a Terminator quote. Shut Nyx up, said my goodbyes to the rest of the cast, fucked off, and died.

NG+ start, take 2.


Finished Tartarus for now. Can't go any higher until the 31st. Completed Yukari's Social Link, and am working on Fuuka's and Mitsuru's. Might have to almost entirely skip Aigis this runthrough. Sad...

Also, holy crap, I was wrong. Chidori survived!


Pushing forward. Told Ryoji I'll see him in Tartarus, and have beaten 4 of the 5 guardians in that damned tower. My next session should either be my last or second last for this runthrough.

April, 2024


Aaaaand, I hate myself. Nearing the end of December, and I've realized I DO NOT have enough days to max all my social links.

oh, yeah, I finished the Moon S. Link. Yipee friggin' skip.

I may or may not be tempted to do another NG+ to do this, but ONLY OUT OF SPITE!


Actually, this is accounting for a prior session as well, but here it goes.

Did a bunch of Tartarus climbing. Completed a bunch of quests, Temperance, Justice, Star, Fortune are all completed. I'm now deep in December, and bloody tests have reared their ugly head once more, locking me out of most of my remaining Social links. Definitely losing at LEAST a week's worth of possible days due to this. Gonna use the Moon S. Link to lead up to the test week.

Failed at saving Chidori.


More social linking. More Quests. Reached the latest Tartarus stopping point. Punished Strega and destroyed the 12th shadow. Ikutsuki's a bastard. Cutting it close with 100% social links. Hoping I didn't screw up.


Did more Tartarus. Did more Quests. Jumped back into the real world and did more social linking. Getting close to finishing some Social Links and to start the next boss.


A friend of mine had started playing the game, so in order to help him through, I decided to play a couple of stages as Seig (for fun and experimentation). Then, I hopped into a new save file to play as the gun toting Arcia. She's a lot of fun (and decidedly more straight forward than good ol' Seig)


Went from Tartarus day to Tartarus Day.

Started by cleaning up some quests for Tartarus (some of those were a BITCH to find), then moved on to Summer Vacay. Did some off school social links, completed the Hanged Man social link, set up some extra points for the school social links, and did a few of the "movie events", and walked the best boi a bunch. Returned to school and did more social linking, bonked the boss, captured chidori, learned Junpei is starting to mellow out, and started up the next major tower excursion with new quests. Oh boy, hopefully these won't take forever like last time.

March, 2024


Lots done. Tonnes of quests done, finished Tower and started a few other Social Links. Met Aigis and Koromaru. I'm up to the next boss encounter during Summer vacay.


Completed Block 3, and rounded it off with a few more tartarus quests complete (even over-collected a few items)


Did a few more social links and quests before I hopped into Tartarus


Jumped into Tartarus, completed a TONNE of quests (including one really annoying fetch quest in the basement floors), then did more Social simming, completing Kenji, Kazuchi, and Tanaka, and about to finish Yuko.

Oh, and I also reached lvl 99. Found some great enemies to bonk in the basement solo. Didn't know I'd practically double my health and SP upon reaching my lvl cap.

Now at 7/5, Daytime.


I tried to fight Chronus again. He's still a cock.

Managed to actually get to his phase two (which, while faster, was easier), but he got a lucky shot off and killed me (final life bottle), and mopped up the rest of the party.
Realized I never really played this experiment of a title, despite it sitting in my library for years, so I decided to finally give it a go. Played through the first planet so far.