Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

14 days

Last played

January 6, 2024

First played

December 16, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership





January 2024



Continued the journey. Surprisingly had little resistance getting to the confrontation with Claudia. Accidentally got a Game Over forgetting about the fact Heather needed to take the red pill. What happened next was kinda gross, but killed the incomplete corpse god in the end. Got to see Douglas once more in a normal Amusement Park, and the two seemed to have reconciled. Extra New Game has been unlocked. Might go for another round one day. Gonna write a review sometime soon.

Game Complete... for now.




Finally got back to start exploring the chapel. Learned quite a few things about our dear ol' protagonist, and gathered five cards for a VERY familiar door in a VERY familiar room. Next session, i'mma hoof it on over there, and put an end to this nightmare.

December 2023



Fought "Alessa" on the Dreadful-go-round, and my katana-go-brrrrrr. I died once due to not paying as much attention as I should have. Also, stun-gun was surprisingly affective, but damn is that ammo limited. I'm now at the church. I guess I might be in the home-stretch, cause I'm getting big "Nowhere" vibes here.



Short Session. Made my way to the Cinderella/Snow White display room. The haunted house was kinda blah, but I ended up dying there due to a little bit of BS. Unequip the bulletproof vest and supercharged my health to give myself the advantage i needed to escape the red gas. Oh, and looks like Douglas tried to take on Claudia, and somehow failed.



Killed Leonard, and now I'm at the Amusement park... and I have no idea where I need to go. The rollercoaster is out, cause that's instant death. There has to be something I'm missing.



Figured out the crematorium puzzle and let the blood loose from the baggy. Found Leonard. He's an asshole.



Silent Hill is much smaller than it was in the second game... or, it won't let me 'splore.

Anyway, entered hospital, encountered the new enemy that... strangely has some ties to Harry and Heather. Learned a few things, including a bit too much about Heather's stalker, and entered "Otherworld" Brookhaven. Did a bunch of things, and now I have a baggie of blood and a weird basement with four sheeted bodies.



Torched a painting and removed the front door master form his post. Then, dueled the Mercenary and avenged poor Harry's death. Claudia is next, but first, to find her, we have to take road trip to where it all began... Silent Hill title drop



Explored the Offices more. Found a Katana and found the bloody tub that took me to Otherworld. Gained access to the Elevator, and hit up most of the available locations. Got a door or two left to try. Also, weird thing twitching on the 1st floor. Dunno if it needs something, or I need to kill it. Also, found a bottle of chemicals and a package of pork.



Back at it again. You really go through locations super quickly. Completed the subway section, went through the underpass, went into the sewer, killed the loch-ness monster, came into the construction site, and now I'm at the office building with the Dance hall where a giant tumor man was dancing with some split-headed dogs. Fun times.



Short session. Mostly wandered around the subway, getting really lost. Then I found where I needed to go, and finally accessed the subway car.

Also, started a new file to test my mettle on the infamous shakespeare puzzle (which, indeed, is located on hard riddle mode).



Found something to crack the Wallnut (completely missed it in a previously explored room). Then went ahead to go fight the giant penis symbol. Wasn't too difficult of a boss (honestly thought it would be harder), and I'm now exploring the subway.

Opened a door locked by a metal nut, and also found a shotgun... and a new, really annoying enemy.



Continued exploring the Nightmare Mall, avoiding most encounters. Found lots of items, and found the save point at the busted static TVs. All I have now is a wallnut that I need to crack to progress.

Also, good ol' steel pipe. Swings it just like her daddeh.



Started playing. Game seems to really just throw you in the deep end right away, as if to say "hey, you've done this song and dance before, have fun in the evil amusement park" before the actual story kicks in.

Noticing a lot of things that I'll probably talk about when I inevitably review the game.

Also, got past the Shakespeare puzzle, though it was MUCH easier than I was told. I'll probably try to experiment with it on Hard Riddle mode.