Nice indie platformer, a very easy platinum trophy.

A button-smashing very easy platinum; has some fun gags.

A nice game to improve your English skills, and a very easy platinum trophy if you follow a trophy guide.

Great action game, played first on the Switch than got the PS4 version for the trophy hunt. Wasn't able to get the plat though, it is quite hard to get S-rating on the levels.

Interesting isometric puzzle on the PSVita, played for a bit but never really put more effort into finishing it, as I got stuck and didn't want to use a walkthrough.

A great local co-op game I played back in the day on the PS3, wish it had a PS4 remake.

Nice weird indie game with a very easy platinum trophy.

I remember giving it a try back in the day on the PS2, or maybe the Wii, then years later played this PS3 port for a bit, but no longer than a couple of hours. Might give it a try again someday.

A great entry of the Telltale TWD animated video series. Unfortunately the decisions you take don't branch away from the main story, so it doesn't really matter much, you will reach the same / unique ending. This one includes a platinum trophy, so it is a quite easy plat: you just have to follow the story to the end.

A great entry of the Telltale TWD animated video series. Unfortunately the decisions you take don't branch away from the main story, so it doesn't really matter much, you will reach the same / unique ending.

Nice Telltale animated story game. Played only the first episode.

A nice port for the PS3 of this Mega Drive classic. Might be worth to play for the trophies.

A nice action RPG on the PSVita, very easy platinum.

Very easy plat, but otherwise a fun platformer game to play on the PSVita.

Very easy plat, but otherwise a fun platformer game to play on the PSVita.