6 reviews liked by Nikitamce


While I'm still not a fan of the slower turn-based combat in RGG games, I'll admit they definitely improved the gameplay compared to Y7. The story felt imbalanced in my opinion. This definitely like this was more Kiryu's story than it was Ichiban's, and it feels like they tried to balance that out by giving Ichiban all the special minigames (Sujimon League, Dondoko Island, Miss Match, etc.). The characters were handled well for the most part. Seonhee becoming Kiryu fangirl was a bit weird, but I could roll with it. Chitose in particular was one I wasn't expecting to be a big fan of, but their story definitely took me by surprise. Bit disappointed that Gaiden set up Hanawa as a character, but we don't get any more details surrounding him. Soundtrack was good. Not an incredibly memorable one like other RGG titles, but there's yet to be a bad RGG soundtrack.

Overall, this felt like Kiryu's story that Ichiban was just side character in despite being a protagonist as well. Regardless, it's still a fun time worth playing through.

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For the love of god this series needs a new writer.
Kasuga gets cancelled by a Vtuber and then Joe Sawashiro (who totally didn't murder the Seiryu Clan chairman in the last game) shows up to tell him that his mother has been alive in Hawaii all along. He flies there and after meeting Kiryu who's also trying to track her down for the Daidoji faction, Kiryu reveals his terminal cancer diagnosis. The reveal is fine but they attach this goofy backstory of him working at radioactive waste facility and there being an accident, it's just pointless and ruins the impact of the scene.
For the next 7 or so chapters you run around Hawaii randomly looking for clues to Akane's whereabouts while the game constantly tosses you into lengthy tutorials for one of it's many WHACKY side activities. Not only does that negatively impact the pacing but the overall silly tone really clashes with the more serious aspects of the story. One second I'm looking at the Dragon of Dojima, on his last legs with a defeated look in his eyes and next second I'm on a random island playing animal crossing learning about furbys called "Gachapin" and "Mukku". Past Yakuza games obviously had silliness but that was usually better placed or contained to optional sub-stories you could do whenever.
It is only in chapter 9 that Kasuga has the brilliant idea to go to the place where Akane's picture was taken and ask around if anybody has seen her. This then leads them directly to her because a random Tattoo lady was hiding her on a boat all along. As anticlimactic as that may be you'd think the plot could at least move forward now but it never really gets anywhere, it just keeps tripping over itself.
The antagonists are such a complete let-down.
Dwight has this really cool and imposing design but then literally pisses himself minutes after being introduced after which he is not seen for 90% of the game. He only shows up again in chapter 13 where he is beaten twice and then eaten by a big shark.
Eiji reveals himself as a double agent for Dwight. Turns out the Arakawa family framed him and ruined his life so he joined people who are 10x more evil than any Yakuza to "destroy the Yakuza" (whatever that means since they're dissolved). When Kasuga of all people, points out the stupidity in that he just responds with his silly maniacal giggle, what an awesome character. He proceeds to threaten Akane just to torment Kasuaga so you have to run through Yamai's dungeon a second time to fight some nameless grunts while Eiji's on a skype call laughing at you. The entirety of chapter 11 is a waste of time and after that he is not seen until the final cutscene where he's randomly back in Japan, rotting in an apartment and after a talk he gets escorted to the police by Kasuga.
Yamai is probably the closest to being an interesting "antagonist" but the story fumbles his character so insanely hard. In the first half he just shows up every so often, goes "mmmmm Kiryuuuu-saaannnn...." and then you need to fight him and after the 5th time it get's a little repetitive. Once he becomes an ally he's just a safehouse until chapter 13 where you go to Japan with him. There you get a scene that finally explains his history with the Tabata Family and the scene itself is fine but it's chapter 13 out of 14 why are we learning about this guy's backstory that has absolutely nothing to do with the main conflict? He then walks off into the sunset and is never seen again.
Bryce turns out to not even be an insane cult leader, instead doing all of this simply so he could profit off Nele Island as his private island with things like waste disposal. Lani and her stupid amulet, the very thing this story revolved around from the opening cutscene, end up as a useless macguffin. Bryce straight up says they don't matter at all because he has enough influence and power regardless. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight Chitose does a goofy Vtuber stream where she exposes Bryce to the world and admits her wrong doings. I get that they try to be "trendy" with these games but all the Vtuber segments are pretty insufferable and here it's especially out of place.
Ebina's revealed to be the bastard child of Arakawa and Yuriko Hikawa and after his father massacres the Hikawa Clan he obviously grows to detest him. Unfortunately he slept through the events of the last game so now that the Tojo/Omi are dissolved and Arakawa is dead he sets his sights on the Yakuza as a whole and engineers this whole nuclear waste plan to (i think) kill Yakuza in the most convoluted way possible. He randomly renames the Seiryu Clan to "Bleach Japan" despite there being no connection to the original Bleach Japan. The public wouldn't even have a good reaction to that name after the events of the last game, it's completely pointless and comes off as some pathetic callback to a better story like they're going "Remember Bleach Japan? Yokoyama remembers." As underwhelming as all that may be you'd think he'd at least be Kasuga's final boss but no, Kiryu fights him because he is still the CEO of Yakuza.

The pacing and structure of the plot is just a complete mess.
In Chapter 12 Kiryu goes out to the middle of nowhere to fight Daigo and the gang because he needs them for a "Second Great Dissolution" since the first one in the last game just wasn't enough and we need to do it for real this time!!!! The fight itself is really cool but it's all so random and disjointed, it's chapter 12 and they're giving you an update on the aftermath of 7 and how they also got fucked over by the Vtuber.
Kiryu's section as a whole barely has anything to do with the main story. His life links seem like they were written completely separately since in all of them Kiryu is still believed dead even if they're inaccessible until after the Vtuber expose. Like Haruka would know he is alive in chapter 12. Despite that they are by FAR the best aspect of the writing.

There is an overall lack on tension, it almost feels like none of the characters even give a shit about what's going on and granted most of them have no reason to care since they have nothing tying them to the story and are only there because Ichiban/Kiryu are such cool dudes. Like in chapter 13 Joongi-han just randomly shows up in Hawaii because he's bored and feels left out so you go hang out and buy some new clothes for him. This is chapter THIRTEEN out of FOURTEEN. In later chapters you get sections that can't be described as anything other than padding like Kasuga having to "Run From Bryce's men" which translates to running across the whole Hawaii map that is now filled to the brim with enemies or when Kiryu decides to just walk around Kamurocho a bit and do optional memoirs except they're not optional now and a part of the main story now despite being completely unrelated.

The Daidoji Faction deserves special mention as they have to be single worst thing about this franchise, a comedically incompetent and inconsistent shadow government. During the Hawaii section, Kiryu not only tells everyone he meets (including japanese citizens) that he's Kazuma Kiryu, legendary Yakuza that's supposed to dead but he also straight up tells them "yea I work for the deep state". Back in Japan he is then just allowed to run around freely in Kamurocho? I guess since he's dying it's chill that he could expose their entire operation, the deep state sure is nice. Well then in Date's life link after he sets up Kiryu to meet Haruka they torture and threaten to kill him to remind Kiryu that they're a serious organization that's NOT to be messed with... sure.
The best part is Hanawa, after Gaiden spent so much time setting the character up, here he just gets gunned down by a random unnamed grunt in the most unceremonious way possible. Ichiban then video calls Kiryu and shows him Hanawa's bloody corpse only for Kiryu to have 0 reaction whatsoever, completely stone faced, he does not give a shit. It is only after the scene is over that you get one of those "memoir" pop-ups with mellow cheerful music that was obviously shoehorned in last second where Kiryu goes "Hanawa you were a cool guy I'll finish this fight for you!" to make it seem like this character mattered and Gaiden wasn't a complete scam.
Hanawa 2.0 shows up in the Finale to tell Kiryu that despite his identity being completely exposed and breaching their contract, it's actually chill and they won't shoot up the orphanage because Kiryu is such a cool and handsome agent. They even offer to protect Akane and Lani who at this point are completely useless to the story. Love how they pull a complete 180 after every scene.
In the end Kiryu is allowed to "reclaim his name" so at least we can all pretend none of this ever happened.

The ending scene is just the cherry on top.
Ichiban finally confesses his love for Saeko properly, all is happy in the world until he ruins it 5 seconds later by revealing a cliché "I LOVE SAEKO" shirt and she runs off. After so much build-up, ruining a big character moment with a shitty punchline is just disgustingly insincere.
Kiryu does get his name back but we can't even have a scene with Haruka, nonononono just a little tease!! Buy Like a Dragon 9 to find out more!!
As a side note, so much focus lying on Kiryu really undermines Kasuga as the "next" protagonist.

Past Yakuza games had their own identity with largely self contained stories while Infinite Wealth is mainly just following up on stuff from the last game like the great dissolution and beyond that it's genuinely creatively bankrupt. It's a whole lot of nothing that's stretched INCREDIBLY thin over 14 chapters only for the ending to then somehow be insanely rushed. The 2nd half especially feels so strangely chaotic and incoherent yet there's no actual substance, seems like they had a list of random trending topics they wanted to mention (nuclear waste, vtubers etc) but they don't delve into any of it and there's nothing tying them together. The endings for Kiryu and Kasuga aren't only unsatisfying, they essentially make this journey + Gaiden completely inconsequential as we're left exactly where we started.
In a way it's a masterclass in bad writing and planning.

While not tied to the main story, drink links return and they're just plain boring and forgettable, especially for the returning characters since you learn nothing new about them. Saeko had the only entertaining one because it followed up on Kasuga's confession and she had a great dynamic with Kiryu. Beyond that, if you max out a bond, you get a sort of "secret drink link" where you again meet the character at Revolve/Survive and they basically tell you "Hey you're my best bud". These scenes are literally <5 long seconds with voice acting, they're bizarre.

For this being the first Yakuza/LaD game to leave Japan, I was disappointed with their approach to language/voice acting. After the opening sequence in Hawaii with Tomizawa and the police, Kasuga's inability to speak english becomes completely irrelevant as 99% of Hawaii just happens to speak fluent japanese. Was hoping for more of a fish out of water story. Most characters that speak both japanese and english have 2 voice actors which obviously don't sound alike but I'd say it's still better than the few that only have 1 voice actor like Bryce and Tomiwaza where the VA can barely speak english despite them playing an american.

Just like every past Yakuza/Like a Dragon game, Infinite Wealth has lighting issues. Most noticeable in Hawaii during day time where the lighting is so blown out it almost looks white while the shadows are strangely dark, it can make the characters look really fucked up as well. Of course there's also no gamma or contrast settings. It's always a shame when lighting "ruins" an otherwise beautiful and detailed game.

The combat improvements are what salvage the experience. Really wasn't a fan of 7's janky and overly simplistic combat and they basically did everything I wanted by adding tons of mechanics and letting you move characters.
One thing that still bothers me is the AI movement and how it relates to proximity based skills. The AI loves nothing more than to spread out as far as possible, for enemies that makes your AOE attacks, especially the "path" ones, annoyingly useless at times and for party members who also spread out when you're not controlling them, it ruins a lot of healing/buff abilities, good luck hitting Hero's heal on more than 1 member outside of small arenas. Past a certain point you're better off just calling poundmates constantly because their cost becomes irrelevant and their AOE attacks actually just hit every enemy. Would like to see them redesigned as more of a rare last-ditch mechanic rather than something you use every fight to quickly clear grunts.

The job system on the other hand still needs a lot of work. Letting you pick which skills to inherit was a obviously good change but the jobs remain unbalanced, some jobs like samurai give you so many useful skills while a good third of them are just completely pointless (breaker lol). Same thing applies to how the damage types are spread out, for non-character specific jobs there's only 2 electricity skills with both of them being magic while there's like 15 fire/water skills. No male job has debuffs or team wide ailment healing either.

Just like with the game's predecessor, there's no difficulty options apart from New Game+ (which is paid DLC LMFAO!!!!) so the game ends up being way too easy (again). There aren't even any difficulty spikes this time, it's just complete babymode.

There's not one but TWO (THREE if you count dlc) auto generated dungeons because every RPG needs them I guess, not sure why since they are downright terrible 99% of time and Infinite Wealth is no exception, in fact it might be at the bottom of the barrel. Bland layouts as well as extremely basic mechanically it's just a boring slog but my favorite part have to be the doors! Doors doors doors, I love opening doors a million times that close after an encounter!! On PC there's a mod that just simply removes them and it makes the whole experience 100x better. Wonder why they were there in the first place? You also can't fast travel to the ladder after finding it early which is something Persona 3 incorporated like 20 years ago. In terms of aesthetics and music the first 2 are incredibly bland with only the DLC being at least somewhat distinct.
The other story dungeons are passable albeit calling them dungeons seems wrong when they're generally just basic hallways with not much of anything going on.

The side activities are too numerous to mention but the 2 big ones are Sujimon and Dondoko Island.
Sujimon is like a Pokemon Go rip-off. During the introduction you're told about all the crazy suji mechanics and suji places that are all over the map. There's a lot to it but the Sujimon battles themselves are just incredibly simplistic and boring. Sujimon only have 1 normal attack and 1 special attack and for the special attack you have to spin a fucking roulette wheel where if it lands on blue the attack just misses on most targets, feels like you're better off spamming normal attacks. Doesn't help that the sujimancer job sucks.
Dondoko Island isn't even really a side activity. It's a full fledged Animal Crossing + RollerCoaster Tycoon game that has no connection to anything else with the only reward from it being some pocket change. Beyond the forced hour long tutorial that's part of the main story, it's pretty enjoyable but due to its disconnected nature I almost forgot it even existed.

Ignoring some relatively minor complaints, it's impressive just how much the writing drags Infinite Wealth down. This could've been a 9/10 even with a passable script.

Infinite Wealth é sobre perda, luto, aceitação e, acima de tudo, segundas chances.

É a segunda chance de Kasuga Ichiban de dar a volta por cima quando o mundo se volta contra ele.
É a segunda chance da Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio de capturar os fãs que, até então, não cairam nas graças do jogo anterior.
E não menos importante, é a segunda chance de Kazuma Kiryu de sentir e viver a vida sob uma nova perspectiva.
E, assim como aprendemos durante a jornada de Ichiban em Like a Dragon 7, nunca é tarde demais para aproveitarmos cada pequeno momento e perceber que, sim, é bom demais estar aqui presente pra vivenciar tudo isso.

i don't know anything about poker so i thought i wouldn't like it. i didn't understand the demo during the steam next fest. after i got this as a gift for my birthday, i gave it another try. & you really don't need to know poker at all. cheesing with jester's is a lot of fun!

Dear God, I finally understand why people are addicted to gambling, despite the fact that this is nothing like gambling.
Balatro is a simple roguelite game where you have a deck, utilize cards to rack up a high score, and shoot for the moon. It is easily replayable with various decks, types of builds, challenges, and more. The duration of a given run isn't too long either, so you don't feel crazy invested or have a heavy loss when it inevitably ends. It even has a great endless mode that scales hard enough while being fun and rewarding! The music and visuals are nothing to write home about, they service the gameplay well but are not so unique as to heavily draw you in (though I do like the CRT vibe that the options enable for added effect).
I think having a few more bits and bobs (such as a more sandbox-y mode or additional ways to have runs) could be added to allow for more replayability and fun with the game. I told myself I'd beat gold chip difficulty with a deck before reviewing it, so with all the time under my belt having beat the base difficulty with all decks as well, this is an absolute gem. As it stands, this game absolutely rules and is so damn good that I HIGHLY recommend people grab it on the platform of your choosing.