Cultic 2022

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 1, 2024

Platforms Played


I got super interested in this game two years ago because of its art style and the fact that its like a mix between Blood and RE4, both games that I absolutely love.

The weapons, enemies and sandbox of the game are incredible, straight up. All the weapons are crunchy are extremely satisfying to use, all holding a very important purpose within the sandbox of the game. The physics with throwable objects also are so fun and satisfyingly.

The best way to describe this game in general is that its just meaty. There's so many little mechanics within major mechanics such as the dynamite in the game seemingly working like Blood's dynamite but you're also able to throw an unlit TNT and shoot it like a remote explosion or unwrap a bundle, separating each TNT into separate explosives.

The level design overall is very well thought out and solid but there are some parts in levels, specifically in the first half of the game where I feel some parts could be condensed or the game doesn't do a great job directly the average player into the next area they need to go in order to progress the game. Every level after The Crypts (E1M5) is incredible though. Thee second half of the game is pure insanity and its fun as hell.

I love almost everything about this game but like I've said, the level design could use a bit of work with enemies getting stuck pathing on the environment sometimes and some areas having weird pacing.

The other thing is I feel like the music for some levels really doesn't match the vibes of the atmosphere at all. Like on The Mines, you have this only 80's-esque synth track that sounds almost upbeat in this super gritty and spooky section of the game.

This game is still great though and I wish it got more attention, looking forward to the second chapter. The second half of the game for me especially started to hook me and I had so much fun with it.