19 Reviews liked by NindyIndy

the game is actually really fun when you are in the actual sonic stages

rest of the game doesnt fare as well unfort

To be quite fair, it is an okay game. It completely whiffs being a metroid game in any capacity, but yknow its fun.

This title still holds the record for my most played hours in a single video game. The only game I attempted to compete in tournaments.

The only real good thing about this game is that Jill and Chris are in it. Am I supposed to really care about these other characters? I mean they aren’t all inherently bad, but I’ve just always had this strange off-vibe when it comes to this game in the Resident Evil series. Everything is just really, weird. There are things they did get right but for every right there are 3 wrongs. The enemy design isn't anything special. Regarding the “return to form” people usually say, in some aspect this can be that. I can see the attempt, but it’s still not exactly executed properly. It’s very annoying that when you shoot the full clip of your gun, it doesn’t automatically reload so you’re just stuck there pointing your empty gun. The scanning device is a dumb mechanic. I don’t necessarily think this is a “bad” game, but it definitely could have been much better. It is cool that they bridge the gap between 4 and 5, and I’d say this game actually enhances 5 so there is that.