I'd say it's on par with the first game. Really fun 2D platformer, Diddy and Dixie play great and man that OST is spectacular. My only grip is that while I do like how it gets progressively harder as you play it, I feel there are some levels that feel a bit too unfair. Some levels I feel were better than others too that I feel the first game handled slightly better. But still lots of fun!

You know that one scene in "How I Met Your Mother" where one of the characters feel like he feels like he's coaching a bunch of kids getting their asses kicked by a bunch of grown men? Yeah, that's what it feels like playing this game's MyCareer mode. It plays like friggin' garbage and feels like you're going up against Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James. In short, don't play this game it practically feels unbalanced and super unfair.

It's a very hard game, but that's just part of the exciting fun Cuphead gives. Think of it as a whole game that's full of "one more try" moments. You don't wanna give up on the stage or boss and it motivates you to keep trying. However, bosses like the Robot are complete bs even with how challenging the game is. I'd still highly recommend it, especially if you want a challenge!

Brain go “haha, Kirby go WHOOOOOOMP more than usual”

Much to my surprise, this was a very good racing game. I'm happy that regardless of the quality of the actual game, MySims still manages to have a great charm that's very endearing and that's not different here. It is a shame the customization for your MySim is very limited, but it sorta makes up for the wide variety of customization for your kart and that you can change the size to your liking. I like the design of the courses and how chaotic they can be. I do wish they had more playable characters though. With a wide variety of characters with memorable personalities as MySims, I would've expected the roster to be a bit higher. Also the weapon RNG can be really obnoxious, especially the tornado weapon where it flips your screen upside down. But it's no biggie, I do enjoy the characters that they do have that are playable. Even if you're not a super big MySims fan, I'd say this is still worth a buy to check out.

It's easily the best game out of all six MySims games. The puzzle solving is fun, it's easily got the best story out of any of the games, it still maintains that charm that it's well known for, characters old and new are still entertaining, honestly it's peak MySims right here. My only complaints is that I wish that you can revisit some of the places that you travel to in the Jet, after you're done with them you can't revisit which was a bummer. Also like, two features with the magnifying glass only appear in two missions and never return which was also a bit of a bummer, kinda makes me wish there was more story. But it's a Sims spin-off where it's both kid friendly and the characters are chibi sims, so can't get too demanding. Also the hacking minigames are the least fun because wii motion controls, don't think I need to say more. It's still a must-play imo. Even if you're not that big of a Sims/MySims fan.

Easily the worst MySims game, no contest there.

The game doesn't start out too bad, okay at best, but because of how long story mode is, it gets repetitive real quickly. Because of that, the overall experience gets boring or even aggravating at some points. You only do two types of gameplay throughout the whole game: dogfight and race. In the game's defense they do attempt to do SOME kind of different things with these two gameplay, but it's not enough to keep my interest personally. You only get a chance to do something else other than said gameplay styles when there's a special mission, like taking down a defense system or, well, the final boss of the game. Those were at least different and interesting to some degree. I'll also give credit where credit is due, there were some parts of the story that actually did catch me a bit off guard, not by much, but did get me saying "wow okay, wasn't expecting that". The game's ost also is pretty solid for the most part. Wouldn't call it one of my favs by any means but still good. Overall though, I wouldn't recommend this game at all. Heck, even the same charm that's usually in the other 5 games, I'd say is not there. Like, you don't get that same charm you'd get from MySims playing this game. I mean, at least give MySims Party this much credit, at the very least the charm is still there and they at least tried to do something that's not nearly as repetitive as this game. The sad thing is that this is so far the very last game to come out of the MySims franchise as there has not been a new game in over 13 years in counting. Which honestly, considering what type of company EA is, I wouldn't be surprised if they intentionally sabotaged this franchise like with what they did with Dead Space when the 3rd game came out (from what I recall and have been told). I hope this franchise comes back from the dead one of these days, but I don't see that happening any time soon. Which again, is sad because the potential and charm radiating from these games still holds strong and it something that can't be recreated. It's just such a shame that this is how it all ends until further notice...

The original Metroid Prime was on my radar for quite a while. I played only a little bit of the original game on Gamecube, but I had hoped to return to it one of these days. Low and behold, here comes this remaster out of nowhere so I then decided that was the best time as any to actually play through this game in full. Lemme tell you, I was a little late to finally see what was so spectacular about this game, but I'm glad I got the chance to play the entire game!

It somehow manages to make an already amazing looking Gamecube game from 20 years ago look more amazing, I love the exploration in the game, the atmosphere is off the charts, I had a lot of fun with it. I also appreciate that they give you different control options depending on what you're more comfortable with too. My only dislike of the game: the bosses are kinda weak, but that's it. This is one of my new personal FPS styled games and so far a good contender for my favorite Metroid game. A must play for the Switch!

I'll give it credit where credit is due: the soundtrack is absolutely amazing! The ost is honestly the biggest highlight of this game as there's a lot of relaxing bops in here. The artstyle I'll also admit is great. I think it's a really cool aesthetic. The game also has charm, you can really sense that while playing the game. The characters? Well they're okay I suppose. But I honestly think that it's just not for me. I just think the game is incredibly frustrating to get through as there's a lot of cheap bullshit moments in the game. Which, part of me wants to say that was the intended goal perhaps? Like the more aggravated you get, the more you just wanna go "one more try" and keep trying until you beat a level. But again, I got way too heated playing this game. I don't wanna say it's a bad game by any means, but I just personally don't care for it. It's...eh.

I wanted to give this game the benefit of the doubt, but after investing my time in the game from the opening to the final boss, I just didn't have that much fun with this one. Now I will say: the overworlds are admittedly pretty good. If it wasn't for the fact that this game is a game centered around vehicles and vehicle customization, these could make for some great levels that could've potentially rivaled Banjo-Tooie's overworlds. Humba also has a better design compared to her first appearance in Tooie. Everything else about this game is not my cup of tea. Which is a shame because I feel like there could be some potential for a great game regardless if it has the Banjo-Kazooie IP or not. But the fact that every single mission to collect jiggies in this game is all dependent on these darn cars just doesn't do it for me. Even just some times where you do levels or traveling on foot would make the game a little bit more interesting. There's also a lot of very questionable decision making like, who in the hell thought it was a genius idea to have the jiggies saved up in some jiggy vending machine whenever you complete a task and get a jiggy, so you then have to take your vehicle, deposit them and then withdraw them into the Jiggy bank which is located in the middle of the main overworld, Showdown town? I just don't understand that at all. What happened to just...collecting and keeping the jiggies like in the other two games?? It just seems tedious for no reason other than to...idk be a different kind of game?? Yeah, this game is just too frustrating and boring for my liking. I'm sure there's some audience for this game, but that audience ain't me.

It's easily one of the slickest games made! Love how they blend FPS with a platforming and puzzle solving! It's safe to say that the gameplay keeps you coming back for more and is easily the biggest highlight of the game. On top of that, the soundtrack just absolutely slaps! The story...exists but it's still fun regardless. I'd say it's a must buy!

Mario Party 2 is a good game. But after some times has gone by, oh boy did I notice a lot of flaws with the game.

I will go ahead and say that the minigames are super nostalgic and can be really fun, the boards are also really cool, although there was only really one board I didn't enjoy that much, I particularly love that they give the characters matching outfits to fit with the theme of the board in question. However one of the things that bogs the game down a lot is the friggin' enemy AI. Regardless of difficulty there's going to be a lot of times where the AI are dumb as rocks and yet other times where it's impossible to beat them. Mecha Marathon being a prime example seeing as how it feels like they have super-human strength and you can't even get close to beating the AI. Of course some of the minigames are also not that great either, but not every minigame can be good. But I'd still say it's worth playing this game. Miles better than Mario Party 1 that's for sure.

The more I think about Mario Party 1 as a game, the more it absolutely fascinates me ngl.

I'll say this much that I owe it being the first step into what would become a very memorable party franchise. I do like the concepts the boards have and I guess some of the minigames can be fun. But man you can just smell the "first game syndrome" radiating off of this. The boards, while again, have cool concepts, some of them are a pain in the ass to explore, Wario's Battle Canyon and Luigi's Engine Room being prime examples of that. A majority of the minigames also have their fair share of frustration. It's very baffling how some minigames are clearly bias towards one player over the others like Coin Shower Flower, Bash 'n' Cash and Piranha's Pursuit, others are too easy like Crazy Cutters and Hot Rope Jump, and others are just up in the air on who'll win like Mario's Bandstand and Skateboard Scamper. You can tell they didn't have much variety with the 2 vs 2 minigames seeing as how there's a whopping 5 total in that category. It also amazes me that you'll actually lose coins in some of the minigames if you lose. Again, everything about this game is just fascinating in it's execution. Also just saying the fact that you have to play the game nonstop until you collect 100 stars in total to get the end credits and unlock the final board when it'll only count the coins and stars from the human players, not the AI, is a bit too much to ask for. I'll never understand why they decided to do that. At the end of the day, I'll still have my fair share of fun with the game, but it's clear you can tell this was the first time attempting a party game and it shows in the execution and final product.

You know it's a shame that this is considered the black sheep game from the N64 Mario Parties, because after playing through all of them I have to be honest when I say that this is the best one. I think this is where Mario Party really found its footing for what would be implemented in future titles, being able to store 3 items in your inventory is one of the biggest ones. I also think that, even with the weakest minigames, the minigame selection in MP3 is better than some of the minigames in MP2 and especially MP1. The boards are also great, really liked the themes and designs of them. The duel boards were also a nice new addition, even if one board was particularly annoying (Mr. Mover can f off). Can it be a bit tedious to unlock the last boards for each? Maybe, but it felt very rewarding all the same. So ultimately I'd say play Mario Party 3 out of all the N64 games. MP2 is still fun, but obnoxious and MP1...is MP1. I'll also end this off by saying "The Beat Goes On" is still one of, if not THE absolute worst minigame ever made not counting luck based ones or the rotating stick minigames.

Still one of my favorite licensed games ever made! It's got a lot of charm and I admire the way they were able to tackle the levels in the game and stay faithful to the movie. The stealth sections were annoying but it never ruined the experience for me. Easily a must-play for those that are looking for niche games they've probably never played before!