Best thing Netflix has released all year

go right (sometimes left), press x if you want - but not too much, lest you not actually be able to hear each levels unique music - and enjoy the pretty background

doubles down on the working formula of the first game. The characters are stronger this time around and watching BJ on his last legs is captivating for the first two acts. However, machine games dragged the gameplay back; injecting commanders into almost every firefight, ensuring that each battleground plays out the exact same way - also, the gun balance is just bad, the only thing stopping me from dual shotgunning my way through is the fact that it would make me want to shotgun myself.

the pokemon magic is unavoidable, but i don't think i've ever played something so anodyne in every aspect of its world. flies by on the first playthrough but spend a second longer in this game and it will start to chip away at your soul, making you question your own sanity and whether pokemon was ever good