in the character character: "today we're going to Fairfield Mall as i become a little character named Karl Havoc. Suffice to say, Karl's a lot!
5 minutes later: "i'm not doing it, i don't even want to be around anymore."

absolutely delightful and nourishingly quick.

the writing's plenty rough, but to be expected from the studio that cut its teeth on Life is Strange. The general vibe is tight as hell though, and the narrative is really captivating

It's a shame that there's no real sense of distance as you work your way up the tower - but the climbing is so rock solid that i have no reason to be thinking beyond the next tasty foothold

going to have to sue Nintendo for false advertising - this gave me the opposite feeling of that guy on the bus who didn't want to kill himself anymore.

This is what Immortals Fenyx Rising would have been if copyright law didnt exist. it took Nintendo 6 years to ubisoft-ify their quiet, contemplative, nature-em-up. It is so over.

the new weapon system does rule tho, so there's that

really brave of Nexon to branch out of their usual niche and make stupid, time-wasting gruel, but this time its 2d-hd and pretends to be an indie game

This is so deeply embarrassing.

Even the worst Yakuza games is a good ass time, the structure of these has really won me over.
Really struggles to build up pace and the final act crumbles under its own weight, but in the middle it’s really rocking!
Shame that Kiryu coming back feels forced, but it’s good to see the goat again (Taichi & the morning glory squad) - also Haruka’s 3 seconds on screen hit like an absolute brick. They should make a whole game about her and the orphanige and Kiryu trying to get out of the Yakuza, that would be better

ACAB does not include Tanimura.

would have been an easy 4* if I didn’t wait almost a year after I got into the garage and then taking another month until I finished the end of the lab. Crazy how much of a mess the last area is, especially those boss fights
Can’t wait to do it again!

Tight, joyful, and full of wonder.
The talking flowers may just be the greatest innovation here. They should be in every game. Red Dead Redemption, Shin Megami Tensei, Disaster Report, Trackmania, even the Streetpass 3ds games. Every game would be improved with the talking flowers

every frame is as harrowing as it is gorgeous.
unfortunately the gameplay's about as deep as the story and exploration are - which is a tough sell for a soulsvania (vania-vania? 2d-souls??) - but the vibes are immaculate

I can't believe that it's just 3 pikmin games. It's a shame that 2 of them are pikmin 2, and one is a pikmin 2 mod that makes it play like pikmin 1

didn't expect such an absolute triumph in brain tingly puzzle design, vivid world design, and vibes-based-no-storyism from some of the playdead people.
worked through it over a day and never got so stuck that a fresh perspective a bit later couldn't fix it. The perfect length.
Also, mr cocoon moves the perfect speed, i don't know how they did it, but it's the perfect speed

i'm not sure what any of it means, but i do know that worlds should not exist in this way. i should not be able to jump out of the orb in my hands!

It’s crazy how little distance this gets out of the gimmick

The gameplay loop is tight as hell, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t room for something more sinister to wriggle it’s way in as well