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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 10, 2023

First played

September 10, 2023

Platforms Played


I feel bad for the scooter riders that had their sport represented by this when skateboarders had Tony Hawk's Pro Skater. The biggest problem is easily the controls. Not only are they very clunky, but they're also inconsistent. For example, to bunny hop under normal circumstances, you hold down the button and only jump once you let go. Simple. However, when you're in the middle of a grind, your rider will now immediately bunny hop as soon as you push the button. This makes things confusing when you start out. You can get some pretty cool lines once you get used to the controls, though that still doesn't change the clunkiness. Besides, by that point you might as well just play Tony Hawk.

Level design doesn't flow very smoothly, and the game is extremely generic when it comes to visuals and music. It gives off royalty free vibes. Mission-wise, you have to collect anywhere from 20 to 40 wheels as one goal in each level. This is opposed to THPS, where collectibles were separated into smaller, different goals (smash 5 boxes, S-K-A-T-E, secret tape, etc). That means you could spend a whole run trying to get the wheels, miss a small group of 2 or 3 and make no progress. As a result gameplay becomes repetitive and slow-paced. There are always score goals and distance targets for grinds to be doing, but the previously mentioned controls and level design don't make that super enjoyable.

Instead of a special trick meter, you fill up a meter to get short time bonuses. This is sometimes helpful for finishing a goal before having to restart. While I still prefer the special meter, I appreciate this as a good, unique spin on the formula. Another change from THPS is that midway through, levels suddenly become smaller, more linear obstacle courses where the only goal is collecting the wheels. This actually somewhat fixes my earlier complaint about these goals, because the challenge becomes less about finding every single wheel and more about just moving around the level (but again, this fix is limited due to the controls).

All in all, things could be worse. Still bad though.