Personally, I don't care much for the main story, and I can understand the argument that the game feels too easy. But as the Pokemon game with the biggest national-dex, it is very enjoyable to go for the full Pokedex alongside the battletower for completion.

This game is a real test of my sanity. For every quaking minute of this game I had to restrain myself from slashing my fellow conductor

Defeated the final boss and the background statue killed me causing me to restart.... Why do i play these old games

I don't care if it runs well for the Gameboy, that doesn't make it a good game

The other review is kinda cringle ngl

I enjoyed the game, but i would highly recommend either making a map, or googling one

In my opinion, the best in the series. The turn tables makes it stand out from other RPG's, which mostly all have the same mechanics. The best part of the game is probably how each NPC in the game has their own funny dialogues to read. I would recommend going back to talk to all the NPC's after beating the game to see what they have to say

Doesn't work in tv mode ):

This game is made for the entire 3 people who liked the koroks in Breath of the Wild

Played this on the display phones in Walmart. 6/10 experience, not the best game though

The tomatoes and egg recipe was disgusting, would not eat again, 1/10

This game. This game speaks to my soul. So simple, yet so complex. At this game's surface it may just look like some un-trendy, boring game that has no heart put into it, but no... You would be wrong. This game has a very deep and insightful meaning that can't be explained in words as their isn't a word that exists in the human dictionary that can explain the intricacies of this game. But wait you may ask yourself, isn't all you do in this game shoot some balls with an arro- WRONG! this game has a deep philosophical meaning and talks about how our society functions as a whole, i'd elaborate farther but i simply cannot explain in the words us, mere mortals has came up with without opeing my third eye that this game has allowed me to finally open. For, this game his allowed me to think past what everyone else thinks, for now i could fly, fly like a cloud above all the mere peasants on the ground who has not acquired the knowledge that i have upon playing this game. For now i am a new man, a better man, and it is now my soul duty in life to enlighten all another lifeforms of the power i have attained upon playing this enlightening experience, no, not an experience nor a game, but instead this "game" is a form of hope, prosperity, and love.
This form of human entertainment has taught me a lesson, a lesson i shan't forget, a lesson i shall purge onto the mortal realm due to their inferior intellect. I shall become a ruler and rule over the inferior lifeforms, i shall become king of the world and purge all other life that has not come to my level of intellect, i shall become a god, no more than a god, i shall become a milk man and deliver everyone sour milk, slowly destroying humanity from the inside while everyone is none the wiser because they cannot process what is happening as they're too dumb to know.

I'll either be seeing you up in the cloud with me, rising above the rest, or you shall perish under my iron fist... The choice is yours

The game was fine, but the challenges felt very dragged out