85 Reviews liked by NotSolidSnake

Bayonetta was such a great game. I dont regret finishing this game at all. It has such likable characters. I also like the fighitng mechanics (even though I suck at these kind of games). Only problem is that the cameras tend to get werid at some angles in the middle of battles which kind of suck.

On par with Doom 2016 in terms of quality and gameplay, if a bit bloated, but it lacks the great environmental storytelling. I'm well aware most people don't care for story in FPS games. But the environmental storytelling in something like the first Doom, Doom 3 and Doom 2016 adds a great layer of immersion that improves the game.

The "chosen one, God slayer" story this game has is not only written poorly, has no emotional impact and slows down the pace but it actively detracts from the experience. It's downright embarrassing at times how much they try to sell the Doom Slayer as a cool dude everyone is afraid of. The games I mentioned prior make him seem cool without trying hard to, in a very organic way.

I liked it, but unlike doom 2016 i didn't love it. It's hard to put my finger on what wasn't as good about it. Eternal pushed the colorful, metal album cover aesthetic up a notch or 12 in some spots, but was a bit of a mixed bag. It would go from a painfully retro level design area(think a banal shooter from the late 2000) to a huge beautiful vista with interesting mechanics incorporated. It also did some interesting things with its core loop, that i don't recall being quite as established in the previous game. Something about its overall locales exhibited just didn't feel as tight as the previous game for some reason. And it had a few cool cutscene sequences but maybe needed a few more sprinkled without emphasizing the doom slayer's importance

Arena after arena of boredom and monotony.

camera whirring computer beeping radio voice: Get to the bunker and get the new pancake recipe, JC. Waffle House Corporate is depending on you.

note on a computer They'll never know that Waffle House is just IHOP's puppet. The pancake recipe is actually a greek omelet recipe. The code to my penis is 3118.

This game was great for about a year then became worse with each update.
With each rework the game got more broken, with each balance update it just became less fun.
That said, the events were good. I like the characters. The 6v6 meta seems to mechanically be optimal, especially in comparison to its (ugh) sequel. The updates really came at a snail's pace, but at least the game was pretty replayable.
Being able to earn loot boxes for a flat one time fee at launch was a HUGE plus in this game's favor.

Very fun to play with friends and randoms, but it's kinda dead now.

the best city ever created for an assassin's creed game, possibly any game ever, absolutely ruined by a shitty story, bloated open world mechanics, crap progression, stilted combat and awkward stealth.

AC Unity had soooo many good ideas. Too bad Ubisoft kinda sucks with maintaining their games (and even shipping them off on a "playable" state)

It inhabits my brain since I first played on PS2, the soundtrack is top tier, the weirdness is completely unique.

There's nothing like Katamari and probably there will never be.

This is an excellent on-rail shooter for the Wii. The extra content that wasn't in the arcade like the new modes, different costumes, branching paths in stages, and etc do a lot to keep the player interested and active. I've been playing this for 5 or so years, and I'm still having fun with it. If you have a Wii, you need this game.

Although the presentation is weak it captures what a Metal Gear Solid game is. The story is amazing and I loved all the characters. By being a sequel to just Metal Gear everything I've known as a MGS fan was flipped upside down and it told an amazing and grounded story that I could only wish we got a continuation of based on the cliff hanger. Still worth the play-through.

Shockingly good 2d stealth game, and honestly in my opinion, better than the MGS1 classic on the ps1. More than worth checking out, it's worth outright spending time in.