766 reviews liked by Nothing_Ever



its really awesome that you physically cannot search for this game on here. it's impossible you have to change the url to say "backloggd.com/games/2/". anyways this is one of the greatest platformers ever made



how do you even search for this fucking game

Didn't find it relatable but I respect that it exists.

holy fucking shit i just bawled my eyes out

I feel like giving ratings to this is like adding a restaurant menu to Goodreads and reviewing it like: " I wish the prose was better :/ " or " Every word has a meaning! ".

Only a few lines resonated with me but I'm glad games like this are being made, keep up the good work.
Keep making very personal games even if the "target audience" is you and only you.

i think theres something to be said about """"review culture"""" (lets call it that for now) when a 3-min long game that reads like vent art seems to garner attention for some reason

Why do we seek to quantify something clearly very personal based on how much it resonates with us?

I think my problem is that I think people are looking at this game as they would a product. Like it needs to have some value to me, otherwise it's not "worth playing".
But I don't think "cave story sex rpg 2007" (lol) ever tried to be relatable. Its, as others have noted, similar to a page from a personal diary. So why rate it based on how much we cared about it? Do we need to care? It feels to me like that was never the point, or the intention.

Talking about this game feels like seeing a sad, personal comic online and saying that you don't relate. Or looking at a random poem on the bathroom wall and trying to critique it.

If I made such a personal game and then saw people were saying how "it didn't resonate" with them, I'd feel pretty awkward, y'know? Why would it ever?

party rockers in the house tonight

okay i know this is seen as a substanceless cruelty squad clone by some dudes but this is actually a really fun item-giver or whatever the fuck this genre is type game with an interesting post-internet aesthetic built from lowkey scary collages n stock images of weird buildings and teeth. a lil overhated but it's not really that hated in the first place