131 Reviews liked by Novan

Mario Party 2 proves that people will say a game's amazing if it has one cosmetic feature instead of actually focusing on the core gameplay.

this game fucking blows but less than super

Just as glitchy and unfinished as Sonic 06, yet doesn't receive any of the vitriol that game does. Guess you don't get internet points for shitting on this game.

I don't care if all of you fuckers have a hate boner for this game, it's good as fuck. Roster's not the best, the story is.. well.. a fighting game story, the graphics are not bad and the combat is nothing less than fucking incredible, one of my favourite combat systems in any fighting game. suck my ass fighterz

As an avid defender of Bubsy, this game is so overly hated people really didn't see that it's actually kinda just a decent game. Like I'm not here to parade the fact I 100% or like the fact I absolutely love Bubsy's design and character. That is between me and my therapist. But what I will say is that Bubsy: The Woolies Strike Back is an entirely unoffensive platformer that requires you to get used to the second jump/ glide system it has. While I think the mechanics are overall fine, a lot of people seem to have trouble with the jumping system in this game, and while it does require a little work, by no means is it a broken game. Quite honestly, Bubsy is a very functional platformer with a good difficulty curve, a fine story, and friendly checkpoint system. I don't think this game will turn heads, but it really isn't worth the hate. At worst it's boring, at best it's enjoyable. You won't get anything more or less out of it unless you really like Bubsy, which I do.

Decent game. If you're a fan of the series you'll have fun here if not it's kinda meh.

favorite one in the series and last one i cared about. simply because of the hours me and my brother spent on the user created maps just making up stories and roleplaying... and playing online was fun

loved it as a kid, worshipped it as a teenager, not nearly as fun as an adult, will hate it when I'm 80

While you nerds were playing your Super Mayrio Karts I was playing the True Man's World.

Theres so many good elements about this game, but man does it have huge issues, and if you didnt grow up with it, its hard to look past. I adore the vibes of this game, and i think flood was a fun mechanic, but the level design is atrocious at times, and 100% is a nightmare. Wish I could love this game more than I do.

Its so beautiful, its so nice, its so unique, but by the gods and heavens and all that is alive its SO FUCKING JANK.
This game is run on nostalgia and vibes.

>Level design bad
>controls are bad
>sometimes the lighting is bad too
>sometimes it just isnt technically sound

Pros (I ususally do pros when i give a game a bad review but this is mid so im doing both):
>Concepts like the yoshis
>Voice acting was kinda neat

Super underrated. Comparing it to other Spongebob games, this one is super unique. Apparently, there are different versions of this game, I recommend playing the GameCube version.