Someone either on Backloggd or YouTube will write Shakespeare’s worth of Donkey Kong’s influence on the gaming industry and Nintendo as a whole when it’s just a bad port with missing content.

You ever just, feel the power of your actions in a game? That oompf, smaaaaaash, kabooooom when you unleash a killer combo or fling an opponent across the screen? That's Rakugaki Showtime, and now I need to find 3 other friends to shill this to!

AiAi moons you and tells you to touch his butt on the title screen. It’s not the best in the series, but it’s pretty fun romp if you want monkey ball on the go with that sassy early DS aesthetics.

If this is the last WarioWare game made, what a low note to end it on. Even playing co-op, it wasn’t that fun and the minigames feel hampered by the all characters gimmick. Thankfully we will get a new Rhythm Heaven game right, rightttttttt?

Fun game, takes a lot of the quality of life improvements from Elite Beat Agents and goes back to the Ouendan style of the original. However, I found the soundtrack and stories much weaker than either previous entry, which is unfortunate. Elite Beat Agents without the Material Girl…

Me, lying: uh this game invented real-time shadows, shading, and raytracing! Finished the normal mode and yeah...I don't feel like I played the game right. Feels so wonky to control and the race wasn't fun at all. It's like if they made Wave Race 64 but lame...

The kiss of death when you reach Stage 7 and die, so you basically have next to no chance in surviving. Xevious wishes it was as cool as Chadius.

OMG Treasurecore! Why isn't this on either of the Genesis Mini consoles or Switch Online? It's such a treat to play, and Konami is robbing us of an incredible game. Maybe when they start using Hudson Soft IPs that aren't Bomberman or Momotaro Densetsu...

Kudos to Nintendo Software Technology for putting the tech in the Wave Race, although I found the courses less enjoyable than 64. It got that dynamic weather effects, day and night cycle, and the Dolphin water to appeal to the eyes. Just wish I wasn’t watching my heart rate implode when I get 5th place to fail a circuit run.

I copied so hard on mission 20, there’s NO WAY I could be that bad at this game! However, I persevered, I drank, I stylishly execute those combos, and after an hour and a half, I won. One of the rawest achievements in my gaming journey, and worth a playthrough.

While it is still Jumping Flash! at heart, it does not leave as much as an impression the second time around. Been there, done that, died here, fell off there, it is more or less the same game as the original with some minor quality of life improvements. Robbit is able to take a shower tho…

Sword Art Online protagonist Kirito fights Oreimo protagonist Kirino on Green Hill Zone. L move on SEGA to localize the original release when the updated version was coming out in Japan.

You can finish this title in the time a YouTuber has a sponsored section in their video. It’s the sequel to the teaser that would become Kero Blaster. It’s alright and better than the original.

You can finish this title in the time it takes a YouTuber to read the plot summary of a video game. It’s a cool teaser for what would become Kero Blaster, even if incredibly brief.


Haha real funny Bluepoint Games, you didn’t make me get stuck in a room for 20 minutes because I couldn’t see the door because of the low brightness! Great early PS2 game, even has PlayStation Vita Remote Play support if you want a true challenge. I miss her…