Coming back to review many years later. I cannot describe this game. It is absolutely a diamond in the rough. If you even THINK it looks interesting you should buy it and play it. It sits in a special place in my heart no matter how many more hours I may have in Stellaris.

Fantastic soft 4x that can even be enjoyed on harder difficulties. Really the best balance between reflex rts's like Starcraft and long 4x games like stellaris.

The modding scene is absolutely amazing and it is absurd how many hours you can get out of a title this cheap.

This game ruins one of my favorite characters in the dishonored franchise. That is all.

Go buy literally any other time loop/ground hog day style game. Prey Mooncrash was a better game than this. It really fails to be an immersive sim and also fails to be a compelling action game.

I bounced HARD off this one. After putting 20 or so hours into DiRT Rally I thought it would behoove me to jump into it's sequel guns blazing. Thankfully with steam family share I could borrow my friends copy without taking the financial hit (and I missed the recent sale). 5 hours later... I have nothing to say about this game that doesn't boil down to "DiRT Rally did that better."