In my opinion this is the current pinnacle of the social deception genre. Getting a group of friends together to play this is so much fun and leads to so many moments of frustration and glee. This game is like if you were to add actual gameplay mechanics to among us.

I did not complete this game. I played it all the way up until the (plot moment that everybody knows where the game radically changes)

I really liked it despite its flaws. It was a lot of fun to mess around with all the different abilities and gameplay mechanics the game throws at you.

Value/Price comparison is off the charts. Too bad they borked the multiplayer.

I think this game will be perfectly adequate for a lot of people. It just didn't grip me in any way. Maybe I am marvel-ed out? Maybe it was the shoddy game play mechanics? Maybe it was the mediocre "done a million times" marvel writing?

Either way this game is carried by the aesthetic and soundtrack. The visuals are absolutely amazing and the songs constantly hit you with that "hell yeah" feeling while fighting enemies. Respect to people who find it fun I think this makes for a great game pass/console game.

I never would have given this game a chance if it weren't for Humble Choice. Is it worth the $120 yearly subscription? Tbh not really but games like this come along and give me the feelies so I keep purchasing it lol.

A very satisfying skateboarding point/challenge game. Vibes are on POINT and the customization is great :)

Idk man there is just something about this game that takes me back to 2009. It really feels like a complete remake of what made MW2 fun with the additions to modern movement mechanics and killstreak balance changes. Although I still wish killstreaks would be reworked or removed from the franchise the gunplay in this game is just so immensely satisfying and fun I can't help but keep coming back to it. Pair that with the high accessibility to an extraction royale mode (DMZ) I can enjoy short bursts of the enjoyment one might get out of Tarkov without having to invest hundreds of hours to understand the base game mechanics.

The biggest pro I can think of is how much they slowed everything down from MW2019 and more recent COD games. You will still find people zooming at 1000mph around corners but they are punished pretty aggressively for doing so. No longer is everybody sonic the hedgehog jumping like Master Chief. The game relies much more on map knowledge, aim, and timing than movement skill. For that I love it.

Although the community sucks and the maps for the most part suck the core gameplay is IMO the pinnacle of the franchise. Between customizing weapons and tuning them to be "perfect" to what you want out of them to the more goofy sides of exploits people keep pulling off this is objectively the best (and last) Call of Duty I will ever play. There is a lot of drama right now with the lifespan of the game and a lot of issues people have with the direction Activision seem to want to take the COD franchise in the future which I can agree with. But if you just want a good arcade FPS game that has some of the best feeling guns in any game to date this is the game for you. The cost/content ratio is also tremendous for a typical AAA style game.

To summarize what you get with this game
- Fully Fleshed out Multiplayer with really good new gamemodes
- Warzone & DMZ on two fantastically designed maps
- A full (albeit IMO bland and boring) Campaign
- 4 large scale Co-op missions for your and a friend to get really into

And all 3 of the non campaign modes are getting updated with new content every 3-6 months? Count me in!

Soundtrack was amazing, Art was great, Characters were cute, but ultimately it just doesn't do anything special that makes me recommend it to anyone. Especially if you look for engaging gameplay.

Can be fun with friends... Otherwise only a select few people will be able to play this through until the end.

This is hands down the best community made mod I have ever played for Half Life 2. The writing, while a bit rough around the edges at times, is immaculate and the aesthetic fits so well within the Half Life Universe unlike so many other community made half life expansions. Breadman and the team killed it with this one

Hooray! I finally beat the base game and get to start playing the DLC maps :)

This was the worst possible way to start that experience. The 1st map of this DLC is not too terrible. Nothing excessively special and I like the ice mechanics of the DLC. However, when you get to the second map the entire DLC just falls apart and turns into a needless grind through some of the most godawful terrain with some of the most godawful missions I have yet played in this game. You'll be hauling oversized cargo through a literal forest and through tight gaps that are impossible to avoid without doing special maneuvers through steep hills and dreadful ice slides. The whole game up to this point has trained players to look for alternative routes to complete missions. But with Imandra (the second map) there are no real alternate routes. You have 2 ways of crossing the main lake in the center of the map and both of them are absolutely godawful. Every mission in this map will require you to frustratingly sludge your way through the most absurd obstacle courses known to man. I swear the Devs of this map wanted to force players to stop playing their game!

The good part of this DLC are the new vehicles they added. The Ford is a great truck to have in your arsenal as a refuel/repair all purpose scout car and the new offroad truck is a nice bite sized hauler.

Really clean and authentic driving experience that is hamstrung by a career mode that progresses at a snails pace. I have done the same handful of maps probably 2 dozen times each at this point and I am finally getting to the point where I can unlock more races and more of the expensive tier of car. The whole introduction to the game is a learning experience for sure. I think that the game could do a lot better in terms of interactive tutorials, a small free roam map that players can test drive cars and car setups, and a more interactive crowd system like the old school rally games had. The game is completely saved by the driving physics, co-driver calls, and the 3 different rally race types that offer plenty of variety.

It isn't horrible but it is very much a game that goes for style over substance. The graphics are filled to the brim with 2010 era vasoline screen and lens flares with an aesthetic that goes for more "wow factor" than realism. The physics are a bit too easy for me and the fact that within the first few hours the game gives you 30 minutes of lectures I found myself just wanting to go play DiRT Rally over and over again. It still has heart.

My original review I said "everything this game does DiRT Rally did better"

I rescind that review. The only thing this game lacks that DiRT Rally doesn't is a proper offline career mode. (always online single player game is obnoxious)

S tier combat, progression, worldbuilding, quests, & characters. Hunger, sleep, and wounding mechanics are all present without being annoying and really add to the immersion of the game. The combat is a ton of fun and my personal favorite first person melee system every made for a game. I would love to see it make a return in a fantasy RPG. The story cuts off short at the end which is immensely dissapointing but you will find plenty of enjoyment riding your horse around an authentic medieval setting that is full of good dialogue, characters, worldbuilding and so much more.

This review contains spoilers

I finished this game in one sitting which I have to say wasn't that hard and I should have given myself a breather. However, in terms of time loop games this game I would say is one of the best. The outer wilds is the only game with this gimmick that really does it better IMO but this game is an easy 10/10.

You really have to go into it blind much like the Outer Wilds but just know that this is an experience like few others. Take your time and relish the world this team created and get ready for some very intriguing moments paired with absolute jaw dropping scenes.

Unfortunately it is not all sunshine and rainbows and although I am putting this game on the same pedastal as firewatch, the outer wilds, and other indie 10/10s I have to voice some negatives that I really felt weren't the best.

1. It isn't really a mystery game despite how hard it tries to sell itself as one. There is not much player agency in the discoveries/puzzle solving. Considering how easy this game will be for anybody with half a brain at a certain point it really feels like firewatch more than the outer wilds where the player is put into a story that is not their own to make and discover but rather a more linear streamlined experience. While the game never fell flat for me and I was constantly hooked it is still worth noting that it would have been made so much better if the game didn't hold your hand with skyrim level quests of go here, collect this, go there, acquire this, give to npc.
2. The "backround choices" at the beginning of the game really shouldn't be there IMO. I think that the only purpose for all of the other choices except archaeologist are for achievement hunting as you are going to miss out on 40% of the games content if you don't take the archaeologist.
3. Finally the endings. My god the endings were absolutely not special at all. Not that I don't apprecieate the linear story to the possible endings you can get but there is again no player agency here. You quite literally can only do the endings in the order they are given. Ending 2 cannot physically happen before ending 1, ending 3 cannot physically happen before discovering ending 2, and ending 4 stands entirely on its own.