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1 day

Last played

June 8, 2024

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Forgettable and worthless. Every unit of intrigue present in such an effervescently cool title is disregarded the second the characters begin talking. Any hope of an interesting narrative is eschewed and replaced with even more jargon centred around crystals. Not ten minutes since I rolled credits had I already forgotten every event of this "story".

In the stead of a story stands a drawn out, exasperated cacophony of homogeneous fights.
Coming from FFXIII to this was not the refresher I wanted in terms of linearity. These combat encounters are served to you along one exhaustingly long hallway. There are a lot of hallways in this. If you put bends and stairways in your hallway but don’t actually make it non-linear, it is still a hallway. The combat in these fights is, admittedly, still incredible. However, not one ounce of the credit for that falls to this DLC, as it is entirely unchanged from the base game.

This is not worth your time. Perhaps its greatest merit may end up being that it serves as a ticket of admission for the second part of the expansion pass, which looks much more not terrible. I am at least confident in the fact that they would struggle to make another DLC any more drab than this instalment.