3 reviews liked by Ohnuki

Drag races are horrible coinflips, music is OK. Game gets insufferable towards the end because the milestones are just NOT fun at all. Carbon better, underground way better.

For such a short game, it does have a powerful message and compelling characters. Even if the dialogue is a bit too cheesy, it definitively treats them with empathy, while not beating around the bush.

It does deal with some heavy themes, but I did not see them approached with the right nuance. It’s like they researched them enough to get a grasp but not enough to use them in a way that feels fully realized.

It is still one emotionally impactful, scary and hypnotizing experience. It being free gets big points and it is a step in the right direction. Don’t skip this.

Is it close to the Silent Hills of old? No not particularly.

Does it absolutely stumble on getting across some of its ideas and concepts? Yeah.

Are the chase sequences a bit rough? Yeah.

I still really fucked with this and everything it was doing. It gave me a dose of what I've wanted from Silent Hill for a long time, it had a vision and it sees that vision all the way through while trying to mix things up a bit.

I think it handles its themes of trauma and abuse trapping someone emotionally within cycles of self destructive and self distancing behaviors causing lashing out at anything that harms the ego and whatever normalcy one can cling onto fairly well.

I feel like even if it was a bit heavy handed at times (the beginning really tries to hammer home how depressed Anita is in ways that feel really corny) I cannot ignore the earnestness and the willingness to just fuckin try something here. The art direction, the atmosphere, the music, the tones.

No it's not Silent Hill 3 but it worked for me and captured me in ways that I really didn't expect. That last chunk of the game really fuckin hit me.