23 Reviews liked by OliverG2002

Man I suck at rocket science, but this game is definitely very well made.

As much as I hate Rockstar re-releasing these games constantly, I understand there is a good reason why, they are super fun!

Fun if you like puzzle games, but just not my type.

I got this on sale for $5 and still regret it

If you could just skip the damn cutscenes that play EVERY SINGLE GAME I might play this more than once a 4th of July

I met some people on there that I will forever remember, when nintendo announced they were shutting down the app, we created a Discord server (and it was my first introduction to discord too lol), so yeah I thank nintendo a lot for that

carried childhood i love u wii fit board

Worth it for the Twilight Zone vibe alone. Remedy's house style is so specific that different influences can flow in-and-out seamlessly. You can see the ideas that Control would pick up and run with here. It's just a shame this was made with pocket change.

Game had a lot of potential but was unfortunately released at the worst time possible causing it to fail. I had some fun with it, but it definitely felt weirdly unfinished.

at first i was like bwahh this has so much less than the og it aint good enough yet but then i go back to the og and realize just how much better 2 looks compared to 1 holy shit. still needs more time in the oven tho


They call it Super Mario 64 because the camera doesn't work 64% of the time.

Look, I understand that this is one of the most influential video games which shaped 3D platforming and hell, gaming overall. And it's for the N64, making the leap from 2D games to 3D games. Trouble is, it didn't quite stick the landing. The ideas are mostly there. The execution...

Whew. For one, the camera controls are absolutely awful. There are several levels where this is a big big problem. This compounds with poor control when swimming or using the wing cap for an overall Not Good Time at some points in the game. Level design is eh, ranging from super fun and inspired to kind of boring. 70 stars is also a large threshold to get to the final boss. It is at least cool to see the original low-poly interpretation of thwomps and other enemies before they got more refined.

If anything, I'm somewhat inspired to see how the DS remake of this game holds up, because I find this game didn't really do so.