If you're expecting a deep story or satisfying gameplay you ain't going to find it here. The series always prioritizes the sexual nature over anything else. I'm not complaining and it is somewhat enjoyable even if the gameplay is rather basic.

It's a nice nod to old style Metroid-vania games and does offer some significant challenges to boot. It's a little too simple in story and combat is very finnicky to time properly.

Certainly not the Pokemon game you're used to, but it is a lot of fun and has a lot to offer to keep players coming back for more.

Simple in execution but that isn't a bad thing. The weapon upgrading system is good and has a nice Metroidvania style to it.

Holds up much better than any entries before it and even does things much better than some later entries. There are so many activities to do that it still stands as the only GTA I've played that I have not 100% completed. Maybe I'll do that with the remastered version.

Unlike GTA 3, Vice City holds up just well and has more to offer and is overall a more solid installment into the series. Visuals are very nice for 2002 and the selection of 80's music is top notch.

I remember having so much fun with this game when it was on the PS2, but man has it aged poorly compared to every game that followed. The story is meh with a lot of the missions being straightforward and a little too simple. There's also a lack of things to do in the game once the story is over and money is acquired so easily but has so little to be used for.

Was immensely fun and addicting to play back when it came out, but sadly it hasn't done much to stay relevant or encourage anyone to continue playing it.

Overrated and has overstayed its welcome. Has nothing of substance and is not rewarding to play or even try to be any good at.

Gacha game with an actually in-depth and fascinating story? Yes, it does exist and it is glorious. I am addicted.