2 reviews liked by Omegpha

This game has been on my backlog for quite a long while and back in 2017-2018 I would've said "oh this is great defs the 2nd best game in the M&L series"

But upon coming back to it and actually beating it my opinion has shifted drastically. There are elements I like about the game still, the music, gameplay, and humor, a staple in AlphaDream's library, but there are so many issues that pile up with Dream Team it makes me not want to touch again anytime soon.

The most significant issue is the padding peppered throughout the whole game. Its something you may not notice playing it in short bursts, but it becomes incredibly noticable if played in long sessions. The most notable examples of this are dragging out the collection of one of the Ultibed parts and towards the end of the game where you fight Kamek three times in a row before facing off the final bosses, but thats held up too because now you need to go to the dreamworld and disable 3 flamethrowers affecting the real world before even touching the final bosses.

Another pace breaking issue is the game's nature of holding your hand. Yes, the previous Mario & Luigi games had tutorials, but not to the caliber of how this game implements them. I find it ridiculous that the game forces in tutorial interruptions with Dreambert even towards the end of the damn game. There are no way to turn off these interruptions or tutorials. Its forced.

As fun as the battles are, the issues I had is the forced gyro controls with no option to swap them to stick and button. I'm not sure if my 3DS gyro is busted, but I had issues with precision especially in one of the giant battles.

As for the giant battles they are such a massive step down from the BiS ones. They're slow for a reason, to illustrate that weight & oomph you have, but it mitigates the fast paced nature of the BiS giant fights, not to mention wonky gyro controls in those fights too. Fun.

Overall, there is a solid game here, but its so bogged down by its issues of padding, pacing, and forced controls it overstays its welcome and is a longer game because of said issues.

I can't recommend this game unless you play it in short bursts. But for that I'd say just play Bowser's Inside Story instead.

Pretty good game, maybe the best English voice acting of any visual novel I've ever played before. Knocked a star off for a lot of incredibly groanworthy perverted moments, especially from the main character, as well as some small technical hiccups.