Of the trilogy, it's the weakest for me. The story was aight, and the gameplay is the same, but I couldn't get behind the different lantern worlds, they were pretty uninteresting tbh.

And I'm pretty sure some of the missions in the Batcave are glitched because the mission detector and progress meter are telling me there's stuff to do, but it just isn't there. So no 100% : (

But y'know what, everything that includes Adam West is fantastic. Especially that bonus level.
I miss that man.

For all the hype around this, my expectations were not met.
Maybe it's the PS2 of it all, but it is janky as hell. Especially the camera controls.

Maybe one day when I have the patience to try again, I'll win, but as of now, I'll leave this whack control setup, low polygon, cube nightmare for another time.

Or maybe they'll release a remake or remaster.
That'd be cool.

Really good game.
Yep, that's all I have to say.
Nothing else.

Well maybe one thing.


Everything good from the first game is even better here and in far greater supply. More lightsaber stances, more lightsaber boss fights, more exploration, more customisation, more lore and more satisfying, kickass action in general.

Customisation is completely yoked here. I gave Cal the scrapper hair with full beard and realised I made him too hot. So then I gave him the Top Gun mustache and it made cutscenes hard to take seriously.
But my, does he look fly when it's paired with his pink poncho.

Props to Respawn for having fun with the player base by dropping in little memes and in joke references. Spawn of Oggdo was a nice surprise (nice is used very loosely here) Rick the Door Technician or the previously mentioned hot pink poncho.

You really feel like you're making a big change to Koboh for the better, making new friends, tidying the saloon, solving problems out on the frontier and defending it, it provides a true Jedi experience down to the bare bones.

And also, Cal and Merrin smooch, and I squeed so much.
Story as a whole I found interesting to an extent. They actually managed to do something cool with the High Republic era. There are some odd hiccups and weird choices, but it's overall another solid story of heavy themes and heartbreak, with tender emotional moments in the mix. Though not quite as refined as Fallen Order's story.

Random thoughts:
Rancors can eat shit, those unblockable grab moves are awful.
Loved seeing some Clankers again.
Blaster saber stance seems like a downgrade compared to standard single blade, but if you upgrade it a bit and stick with it, it's very satisfying to use.
So many hot women all over Koboh....Cal shoulda formed a harem, he has the rizz to spare.

Those holo matches were fun to begin, but when you start losing again and again to harder opponents....and the announcer guy won't shut the fuck up with his obnoxious ass voice....ooooohhhhhh I came close to snapping.
Luckily I figured out the best setup. Use the Skriton and place a Purge Trooper Commander behind him. If you don't have enough points for a Skriton, use a DT Sentry Droid. Basically, any large opponent with a PTC behind it will usually win you a round.

I don't have much more to say. Just another banger Star Wars game. Respawn can do no wrong. Here's hoping they go three for three with the next one.
Now to see whether Ubisoft can make a stand with Outlaws.

Btw, everyone said the Darth Vader boss fight was difficult, but I beat it in one go on Jedi Master difficulty, whereas I got stomped by Bode and Dagen Gera three times each in their final fights. Just saying, of all the main boss fights, he was way easier to beat, though that might be mainly down to Cere being more powerful than Cal.
Who's to say, really.

Finally got to play these after so long. Were expectations met or exceeded?

Bit of both tbh.

Arkham Asylum
Wasn't really digging how slow the first few minutes were, but as soon as you get into the action, it gets really good. The action is a bit clunky, but immensely fun to pull off. The stealth in particular is fantastic. Really makes you feel like the Caped Crusader himself. It's fucking exhilarating.

The story is simple, yet very effective and a lot of fun, with a star studded lineup of villains for you to battle and encounter.

Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill reprise their classic roles and they're as great as always.

The atmosphere and the dinginess of the entire Island is where it succeeds the most and it's genuinely unnerving when traversing some of the sections. Digging into the Arkham secrets or the Riddler puzzles really bring home a real sense of eeriness and unease. One of few games that isn't horror themed to put me on edge.

The infamous Riddler puzzles aren't actually that bad. I managed to collect nearly all of them, save for about eight that I simply couldn't find. They're incredibly addictive and fun to collect, each one either unlocking interview tapes with inmates or little factoids and tidbits that for me, a Batman nerd, was very satisfying.
Be warned however, collecting them all is for only ones with a will of iron.

In short however, Asylum fucking slaps.

Arkham City
I appreciate the scope and range this game goes for, and the story at its foundations is fantastic, but it does get slightly repetitive and monotonous towards the end.

There's double the Riddler trophies, and....yea I only got half of them before I gave up.

The big long stretch from rescuing Mr Freeze to confronting Ras' al Ghul in Wonder City was probably the lowest point for me. It just felt incredibly fetch questy, even if the locales and the atmos were great.

With a bigger open world to play about in, it sounds great, but after you complete the main story and are left with whatever side quests they set up in the main story, it can get pretty tedious after 30 minutes. It's best if you don't play this in one sitting.

The action, and the stealth are improved tenfold and even better than before, and y'know what, flying across Arkham City, traversing rooftops and grappling up large factories as Batman is pretty awesome. Gives you a real adrenaline rush in the same vein as Spider-Man PS4's webslinging.

While I wasn't thrilled on some parts, City is still a decent affair. It has different skins, and that's always a plus. Story was great and the new cast of characters were awesome.

Asylum takes the win for me though.

On we go to Arkham Knight.

Great little set of games here. The gameplay is solid (for the most part), characters are great and the setpieces are very cool.

These are essentially Indiana Jones video games, but I don't really care. Nathan Drake has managed to differ himself from other adventuring, treasure hunting archaeologist types. He's a cool dude.
(Sully is cooler tho)

Drake's Fortune
Good stuff overall. Had a lot of fun. Final boss was a bit overkill, but incredibly satisfying to complete.

Among Thieves
For the fuck of it, I decided to kick the difficulty up to Hard because hey, I beat the first game on medium. This should be fun.
I got about halfway through the game until I shelved it for a month, and when I came back, I had forgotten I had it on Hard mode. So it was a nice surprise after the seemingly endless L's I took that the achievement popped up that I completed it on Hard.
This one has a bit more meat than the first one. More dynamic setpieces and a wide variety of locations. New weapons and very funky puzzles. Probably my favourite out of the three.

Drake's Deception
I curse myself for kicking this one up to Crushing. There was probably a good story here overall, but it was overshadowed by my self-inflicted horrible experience. So many times I wanted to turn the difficulty down. But the acomplishment of completing it on the hardest mode kept from doing so. Curse my ego!

Over the span of 3 months, I finally finished it today. Truly gruelling.

I don't know if it was me or the difficulty, but the melee in this game is absolute cancer. I got it figured out eventually, but every time I got forced into a fistfight, it was unbearable.
I think the biggest problem is that there is no pointers or hints to tell you what button to press. And while I appreciate the game not babying you, it doesn't even give you anything after you fail a few dozen times.

Features probably the most annoying puzzles out of the three, but after the first half of the game, they just disappear. I know I got pissed off doing them, but I didn't want them to straight up disappear.

So far, it probably has the best action scenes in the series. The plane, the boat, the caravan shenanigans, it's all very fun to do.

But that final boss is pure cancer. Fuck the melee in this game.

In conclusion, I enjoyed the overall experience, and I'm glad I got these done. If I had completed them in a shorter timespan instead of leading it on for nearly six months, I probably wouldn't be as frustrated as I am rn. Maybe when I play the fourth one I won't play on Crushing.


A lot of fun, even if Batgirl's arsenal of gadgets is more stripped back than Batman's.

A decent little DLC that is honestly more fufilling than the others it's saddled with.

Over way too quickly.
But Red Hood was very cool to play as.

Is it heracy or truth to claim this Spider-Man is as good or even better than Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man?

Just asking.

An instant five stars, if only it didn't bug out and glitch like it's going out of style.

I can nail every note in A Whole New World.
Come at me, Imma fucking smack you down.

I probably wouldn't rate these as high as I have if I didn't get the season pass in a sale.

Grew up playing these games throughout my school days. Loved them. Seeing this pop up on Steam was the best throwback to simpler times.

Oh and also, the game is perfect.


Better party game than Mario Party.

An inprovement on everything that was good about the first game. More animatronics and new mechanics. It's the good kind of sequel.

But Balloon Boy, man. Fucking Balloon Boy....