It starts out like it always does. You get to a nice rythym, upgrading and attacking. It's going well.
Then you get that one attack where they steal practically all your shit.
You try to attack back, but you're forces are small, and their base is better than yours.
So in response to this, you try to upgrade your village but you don't have enough shit. You're running on fumes.
Then you get attacked multiple times, and your resources are down to basically nothing.
Due to a poor lack of resources, you cannot attack, or upgrade to get better defenses, and you get stuck in this hopeless rut.
And you may be thinking: Why didn't you spend some money to get more resources?
The answer? I'm not spending money on fucking Clash of Clans.

The best game in the series. Highly recommend you don't play it on the Crushing difficulty, this is the toughest one yet, regardless of difficulty settings.
But hey, at least I never have to play this again on Crushing.
Sweet sweet rare trophy.

The epilogue sure went on a fair bit.

A tad too long, but genuinely emotional.

The Gameplay is solid.
Everything else.

This game holds the title of the very first one I platinumed on PlayStation. That's cool.

Storywise, it's on par with LEGO Marvel Superheroes 1. So many characters at play in a huge narrative that demands participation from each one. The Crime Syndicate are entertaining foes and kudos to TT for bringing them mainstream. Returning characters are still great.

Gameplaywise, It's fun to play through, lotta new powers and abilites and even some reinvented stuff from LEGO games of old. It's the usual TT Games shtick but this one is definitely a lot more enjoyable than some of the modern releases.

Oh and stellar voice cast. Kevin Conroy, Mark Hamill, Clancy Brown, Dee Bradley Baker, Nolan North, Tara Strong, Tom Kane and all the other veteran pros. They're as awesome as always.

To sum it up, gameplay is ok, but the story, characters and humour elevate what might've been a mid experience.

All the nay-sayers moan that they spent half their gametime in a closet....I don't get it. Everytime I tried to hide in one, I got found, even when the Working Joe didn't even see where I had hidden.
Perhaps it's because I played it on the hardest difficulty. Or because all of y'all are a bunch of pussies who can't handle a few spooks and the constant threat of horrific death.

Ok, that might be a bit mean, and yea, even on the easiest mode, you'll die quite often and maybe you don't feel like carrying on.
But it is doable on the hardest difficulty. It's just a lot of trial and error. A real challenge. And y'know what makes games fun? Challenge. If there's no challenge, it's a boring game.
And Isolation is sure no cakewalk.

The A.I in this bad boy, holy hell, why is this not the norm for games for today?
The aesthetic and environments are stunning. Ugh, I wanna live in this game!
The gameplay is fun, inventive and offers a lot of freedom to the player.
The sound design works so well into the fear of the Alien. The escaping steam, banging pipes, or any loud noises sound an awful lot like the Xenomorph, and it shits you up even when it's not even there with you.
And the music. The music will start popping off for no reason at times and get ya blood pumping. It's exhilirating!

The nay-sayers complain that you end up doing the same few tasks over and over again, and whilst that is somewhat true, each section of Sevastapol brings a new challenge to spruce up your sequence of events.
A big bit of criticism I've seen is that there is a big lull during the section after we've dealt with the first Alien. Whilst I did sort of miss the Xenomorph's presence, the game instead strips you of your weapons, and gives you a new android enemy type to face. A new challenge!
And after all that hutzpah, you get to wander round an Alien nest for 20 minutes! (or 45, if you're me)
After that point, I wasn't that much scared of the Aliens, I was more in fear of the goddam facehuggers. They're so fucken small and they show up without any warning, it's insane.

Yea, I don't get most of the complaints. Except for the fact that the game started to feel a bit long by the end.
Isolation is consistently fun. I cleared it in like a week because I kept thinking about wanting to explore more and conquer it all! It's such an engrossing game!

In the future, I definitely want to play this again on the easier setting just to go back and collect everything, but also take in the environment even more.
I love the vibes so much omg.

In conclusion, fuck IGN for sinking this game with their crappy review. This is top tier gourmet gaming.

Platinumed, and played the entirety of New Game+ as Undies Spidey.
We had Arkham Batman back in the day, kids today got Insomniac Spidey, and I can't tell who is more blessed.
Fun gameplay, great customisation, and the story?
Freaking phenomenal.

Spider-Man 2 bouta be this series' Arkham City all over again. I can't wait.

One of, if not the greatest FPS shooter ever made. There are so many ways to play each class. Heavy can drop the minigun and go Fat Scout.Demo has an entire secondary arsenal where he can wield a sword and shield, running around the map chopping heads off. Engie can easily go from a defense to a sneaky little offense. It's wild!

Gameplay is solid, character and world design is timeless and the community is one of the most welcoming and friendliest. The amount of times I;ve shared a silly moment with a random person are countless. So many riverdances, congas and kazotsky kicks.

The bot problem is somewhat dying down, and player count is somehow on the rise, but I will still fight tooth and nail to keep this game alive.

I love this game, so so much. It really makes me sad when kids today won't play it, call it old and go play Overwatch instead. Absolutely distressing.

The Halloween event this year has been decent. Really enjoyed myself.

If you ever hit me with a random crit, you will get my obligatory bind sentence in chat:

That crit was uncalled for.

That's how you identify that you were playing against me.

Nevertheless, go play this game. Now.

Any more pain/agony that can be inflicted on Riddler is never a bad thing.

Picked up all the DLCs in the season pass on sale, and it was very much worth it.

To talk properly about each mission, I'm gonna rank em from my least favourite to the best.

Killer Croc's Airship Shenanigans
None of these are bad. This was just the one I thought was ok.
Killer Croc doesn't get much closure, rather he just gets shit on more. Poor Waylon.

Mad Hatter's Car Boot Bombs
This one involves traversing across the city, which is never a bad time. And the final fight in the popup book was neat.

Ras Al Ghul: Civil War
Very interesting indeed. I chose to pull Ras' life support. I'm not leaving any superpowered beings running around in Gotham.

Mr Freeze's burning love
This one made me tear up a bit at the end. Very wholesome and sweet.

Overall, a very groovy expansion. I just wish the other ones were on the same quality.

Decent story to this one, but I'm really let down by how short all of these DLCs are (besides the Batgirl one).

Just like TCS, I grew up with this bad boy, and even though it's shorter than it's predecessor, it has enough content to keep you obessively trying to complete it for a long while.

Ah, it felt like I was teleported back to 2014 all over again. Such an innocent time.
The gameplay is really solid and the difficulty is balanced. It sure gets challenging as you go further into the week.
If you've had enough experience like me with FNAF games, you could probably complete the first five nights in one sitting. Which is what I did. However I did have to play Night 5 seven times before I got it right.

A horror classic I guess. But the fandom....
The fucking fandom....