Yeah, VRChat is novel and fun, no shit. But look, I've played a whole lot of depressing games in my time, Oneshot, The Beginners Guide, Omori, etc. and there still isn't something in a video game that incites more visceral sadness than watching 2 people with anime avatars cuddle in VR on while clipping half way through a hammock.

Coping mechanism/10

Being homeschooled, this game was my only friend when I was little. Couldn't have asked for a better friend, really. Yoshi's Island never stole my legos or threw up on my moms bed.

It sucks, but it's the product of a dev learning more than anything, the sequel is shockingly decent and goes to show just how much they improved over time. Kind of inspiring, honestly.

Great if you love being called the n-word within 3 seconds of joining a server over your crosshair placement.

This game actually kind of sucks but I find it impossible to rate because of the impact it's community had on my life. For better or worse.

I have 4th degree burns all over my entire face.

It's like jazzpunk but less funny and hideous

What could easily be one of the coolest, most atmospheric and compelling puzzle games ever made had it not been a mere 2 hours long at most. But god, those 2 hours, they are really something.

A very fun aesthetic indeed, but that seems to have been the first thing they thought of when they were making this game, the actual game was secondary. Crossniq+ is simply an ok puzzle game that is seriously lacking in content wrapped in dope visuals and a killer OST.

One of the simplest, yet most addictive arcade style games ever made. It takes a sec to get used to due to the initially shocking difficulty, but one you get into the groove of this game, you'll be seeing hexagons every time you close your eyes.

For the first time, when I played Super Mario Odyssey, I thought to myself, "Y'know, if this was the last Mario game, and Nintendo made the insane decision to drop the IP entirely after this, I think I'd be find with that." Not because the game is bad, quite the opposite, in fact, I literally don't know what else they could do from here.

Like, here it is, guys, the perfect platformer. You can't really go higher than this, all of the mechanics are perfect, the level designs are extremely varied and striking, the OST, while maybe not the best Mario OST, is still nothing short of great, there isn't a millisecond of this game that isn't fun and I have so few gripes with it it's almost hard to write a review of it. Everything Super Mario Odyssey does it does pretty much perfectly.

Some might see it as safe, I guess, like, yeah it doesn't take a lot of risks, they didn't go for a cinematic narrative or anything, god forbid, but I see this as Nintendo taking the idea of what a Mario game is to it's fullest potential, it irons out all the flaws of previous entries and presents you with the very best of what the franchise has to offer in concentration, and did I mention it gives you like, a fucking unreasonable amount of it?

Perfect game + a frankly hilarious amount of content = 10/10, basic math, there probably won't be a better platformer for a very, very long time.

A flawed mess? yes.
Terrible community? absolutely.
Do I have nostalgic bias? You better believe it.
Has this game brought me and several of my friends more joy and laughter than pretty much any other game across the last 10 years? yeah.

Wandering around Proteus's world is adorable, wide-eyed, life-affirming, childlike glee. If or not that experience is worth 10 bucks is entirely up to you. But to me, this is perhaps the closest a video game has ever come to feeling "alive" to me. Perfectly simplistic and beautiful visuals contrasted with an absolutely breathtaking dynamic OST. This is the ideal walking sim.

Best video game that isn't a video game of all time.

A game with a brilliant presentation and legitimately good character writing plagued by a complete lack of direction and barely any story to speak of for the majority of its run time. I wanted to love this so bad, but it just isn't for me.