35 reviews liked by Orogoth

Essa ideia de terminar o jogo múltiplas vezes pra ver mais sobre a história e todos os finais simplesmente não me agrada, a maior parte do jogo é a rota A e eles poderiam ter colocado muito mais conteúdo no lugar das fetch quests e ter deixado ela mais interessante, pq eu iria zerar mais 4 vezes um jogo q não me cativou o suficiente??
No mais ele é legal, tem bons personagens e suas interações são um dos pontos altos do jogo, a gameplay é enjoativa mais da pra se divertir e a trilha sonora é absurda d+.

The perfect game for when you wanna drink a soda and fart so hard that you kill a man.

I miss the good old days of the 90s, when games weren’t so political. Where you could play a game like Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee, about a meek worker class of aliens exploited by a ruling class for its labor, their culture erased by their employers to enforce their enslavement, to produce commodities and surplus value at an exponential rate destructive and self-consuming enough to that ruling class that they choose to make their next big commodity be the very flesh of that exploited work force themselves, until one hero alien is inspired to foment collective action against their capitalist oppressors, where he is encouraged to be as non-selfish as he possibly can and his very survival is determined by how many of his fellow workers he can rescue rather than merely escaping by himself, and also encouraged to embrace and utilize the traditional wisdom of his indigenous culture to do so. Nowadays you can’t look anywhere without being exposed to a bunch of woke and cultural Marxism.


A convoluted map and bits of stealth is not what I call an enjoyable gameplay

The tire swing glitch over and over again.

Replayed again recently given I had only played in winter previously. In my previous play session, I got quite fed up with the slow pacing of the game towards the late game, hindering me from designing my island the way I wanted to at a pace I was happy with. I set out this time to play in spring, and time travel forward one day at a time to speed up progress. The start of this game is extremely addicting and very fun, hunting for bugs and fish, obtaining new furniture/DIY recipes, and interacting with NPCs that come to town. However, I found the mid-late game once again frustrating in terms of pacing. It is extremely tedious to move around trees, lay down paths, and make DIY items. By the time I had accumulated around 500k bells and filled out my village with villagers, the desire to continue had dwindled. There is something wrong with the late-game pacing. It is a shame as it is an otherwise charming game and one of the best-looking ones on the Switch.

I want to kill this piece of shit game. Worst metroid game. Worse than Other M, worst version of metroid 2, worst remake of all time, the only reason it has a positive rating is because there was a metroid drought and this was passable enough, the same way that donkey saliva is a passable beverage for a person whos been stuck in a desert dehydrated for 15 years.

Fuck the parry making the quick movement of 2d metroid into moving forward, waiting for the enemy to attack, parrying, doing the finnicky ass followup. Fuck the control scheme and the dumbass aeion abilities, fuck the cutscenes that play any time anything happens. Fuck the metroid fights being somehow more monotonous and drawn out than the gameboy original or fan remake. Why would you put them all into identical square rooms? just because this one shoots fire or that one shoots lightning doesnt mean its different or fun. Fuck the bosses being parry baits. Fuck the robot drill dude, genuinely one of the worst fights in gaming. Fuck the atmosphere ruining 2007 high fantasy MMO ass graphics and artstyle. Fuck the boring ass layouts, the trashfire haphazard placement of everything, this makes me wonder why the fuck nintendo decided to give the reins for dread to this dev, im glad they did because dread is good but this is an abomination. This is dread with all of the flaws and none of the good parts. Theyve got the parries and inelegant design but no emmis or fun combat or bosses. Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to break up certain metroid fights? yes, its so much more fun to shoot the metroid, get it almost dead, and then it just leaves into another identical room and you have to maneuver around to the next room to continue the fight. If I wasn't committed to the metroid marathon then I would've dropped this like an hour in. I hacked my 3ds to pirate this and I still feel ripped off. Don't forget them completely ruining every aspect of the all timer ending. It's as if the developers hated metroid 2. And I think I heard somewhere that they wanted to remake fusion instead, and you can tell they were mad about that because the only explanation is they made this suck on purpose to ruin metroid 2's reputation. This game makes me respect the metroid series less. It makes me worried that dread was a fluke and this might be the quality of games going forward in the series. Playing this has expedited my suicide meter. I WILL kill myself if I ever think about this again.

*author's note: i havent played other m

I loved BOTW, really did. At first this was giving it to me the same way but 3/4 of the way in the game I just mentally disconnected. The story/plot is half assed crap. The great gameplay really saves the day though.

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