El sistema de juego es encantador y bien pulido a la hora de jugarlo, añade eso con un concepto tan estúpido como lo es jugar fútbol con superpoderes y espíritus guerreros, y tienes un rpg con gran contenido para rejugarlo una y otra vez, cadenas de partidos para levelear y conseguir nuevos objetos y supertécnicas, bastantes jugadores por elegir (que ahora contienen mayores reglas que los anteriores juegos) y más supertécnicas por aprender y descubrir.

Gran juego que recomiendo bastante si eres fan de la saga o haz escuchado sobre esta.

>Level starts
>Go fast
>Get punished for going fast
>Go slow
>Finish the level
>Repeat the first point again and again

This game is bullshit, again.

Mis padres se divorciaron y no hay casos extravagantes, de nada.

Fuck FF7, all my homies love Suikoden 2.


Number of times I had sex with your mother

This game it's so disappointing and bad that even Chris chan wouldn't like it.

I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a bitch-ass motherfucker, he pissed on my fucking wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog-fuckin' quilly dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife, and he said his dick was "T H I S B I G," and I said "that's disgusting," so I'm making a callout post on my Twitter.com: Shadow the Hedgehog, you've got a small dick. It's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller. And guess what? Here's what my dong looks like.

That's right, baby. All points, no quills, no pillows — look at that, it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my wife, so guess what, I'm gonna fuck the Earth. That's right, this is what you get: MY SUPER LASER PISS!! Except I'm not gonna piss on the Earth, I'm gonna go higher; I'M PISSING ON THE MOON! How do you like that, Obama?! I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT!

You have twenty-three hours before the piss D R O P L E T S hit the fucking Earth, now get outta my fucking sight, before I piss on you too!

Oh and yeah this game it's bullshit.

>It's better than the previous games
>It has horrible game design and the game is actually bad

Yep, this is the fate of Sonic games.

Finally a good game, but Sonic still have cringe games.

Está muy bueno pero mis padres siguen divorciados.

The Neon Genesis Evangelion of videogames.


Undertale but for sad femboys from twitter

Didn't play it, this only appeared below and I just misclick it when I was about to click for God Hand (2006), please consider looking at where you are going to click

Clover Studio be like: yoooo why don't we make one of the best videogames for the PS2 to reveal that IGN only knows how to do shitty reviews?