Great story, graphics, soundtrack, and enjoyable gameplay for it's duration. This is certainly worth a weekend playthrough! Really love the characters, the voice acting really sells the whole plot.

I really like the idea of this anthology, and this game is solid enough to recommend. It felt a bit more tropey than the studios other work, but the good moments are really good and their formula remains fun.

Nice puzzle to tinker with for a small portion of every day. Runs right in the browser!

Fun roguelite FPS that feels like a condensed borderlands in some ways (not story stuff, strictly the gameplay). This game starts a bit slow but really opens up once you get some new characters and upgrades. Recommend playing it co-op!

This is a short, but flawless platformer with trippy visuals and plucky tunes. Basically, you play as a... microbe/fish and controlled fall through levels. Recommend it for those that have $5 and about an hour to burn on a really late night where you're just not quite ready to go to bed

Spooky, pretty, and at a scale I didn't expect from a AAA game. The majority of the game takes place on a single estate, which I think is good! I still liked the game though when the game's scope expanded as it felt earned to me. Can't wait to play the next one.

This game has some of my least favorite music I've heard in a while... But this game really has it's heart in the right place. Flipping, rail grinding cars are just dumb fun! Not a perfect execution, but a great idea

Cool, unique multiplayer co-op game. Scary but also a decent game for casual conversation on lower difficulty

Great story, very satisfying gameplay, some laugh out loud moments. Overall, I'm really impressed!

This game is incredible. Take the combat of souls and give it a beautiful, terrifying world. I adored it.

It's a blast with friends, great way to spend an evening. The technical achievements of this game are pretty impressive as well, as it manages to look great while piling zombies onto the screen! It is not infinitely replayable for me the same way left 4 dead is, but that's a huge ask. It's replayable enough that I have enjoyed revisiting the game every few months since release.

Relaxing multiplayer hangout activity. Can't ask for much more!


Really charming in all aspects of the game. Great sights to see, fun stories to tell, and just a nice little adventure overall!

Excellent game. Not super scary, but a damn good journey. Playing 7 first will provide some context, but honestly the ga.e stands just fine on its own

Battlefield styled shooter that is just a bit less bursting at the seems than battlefield.