I really like the idea of this anthology, and this game is solid enough to recommend. It felt a bit more tropey than the studios other work, but the good moments are really good and their formula remains fun.

More a toy than a game, but a satisfying toy none the less!

Starsouls. Good story, good bosses, amazing polish.

Stunning game in basically all ways other than actual gameplay, which is still not bad. Play Alan Wake 1 and the Control DLC before diving in though

I started playing this just expecting a polished open world romp. What I got was that with a surprisingly cool story.

Maybe the best phone game? It's good fun, hard, but good fun.

I think this is a well made game that I just don't have the patience to see through. Great art, interesting combat, a fun story, but just not clicking fully for me for whatever reason.

Moving game about Lego parenthood. Really, really pretty

A really mechanically sound game with some weird difficulty peaks and valleys. I wouldn't be surprised if the unevenness of the game in that sense was of my own doing. Art and animation is quite good, really like the set up of two playable unique stories in the same setting with shared mechanics. Boss battles are the highlight here as well, so if you don't like boss rush style games, I wouldn't recommend this.

Totally worth a playthrough! Excellent story, surprisingly good gameplay.

Great follow up to L4D. What it offers is real fun co-op at a very high polish

It's Pinocchio Souls! But it's done so well, lovingly to both Pinocchio and the Souls genre. Runs great, fantastic music, looks hauntingly good, and is plain fun. Recommended to anyone who likes action RPGs.

Good classic boomer shooter gameplay, good music, a perfect length.

A classic Ratchet and Clank game in structure, story, and combat with incredible movement mechanics about half way through. Looks shockingly good as well.

Worth playing the New Game + as well!


My first impression was that this game is a great art direction with solid mechanics. Towards the end... This game really goes some places.