I really like the idea of this anthology, and this game is solid enough to recommend. It felt a bit more tropey than the studios other work, but the good moments are really good and their formula remains fun.

I started playing this just expecting a polished open world romp. What I got was that with a surprisingly cool story.

Really solid theme park simulator. Great way to burn 8 hours in a single night if not careful!

It's a blast with friends, great way to spend an evening. The technical achievements of this game are pretty impressive as well, as it manages to look great while piling zombies onto the screen! It is not infinitely replayable for me the same way left 4 dead is, but that's a huge ask. It's replayable enough that I have enjoyed revisiting the game every few months since release.

Spooky, pretty, and at a scale I didn't expect from a AAA game. The majority of the game takes place on a single estate, which I think is good! I still liked the game though when the game's scope expanded as it felt earned to me. Can't wait to play the next one.

It's one of my favorite games of all time. It is a platform for attending parties, visiting cities, and throwing muffins at unsuspecting folks. Would not recommend it for everyone, but if you like immersive sims, it's one of the best.

What a brilliant exploration game! Joyful, intense, journeys actually feel like real undertakings. Helps that I played with three of my best friends. Would recommend it to almost any friend group.

This game took me a long time to complete, as I kept bouncing off of it. True to video game form though, the last two hours of the game made it all worth it!

MTG is one of the best games ever made, and arena is an acceptable client!