Buckshot Roulette is a very strong Indie Horror game, and probably the Indie Horror game with the best gameplay loop, and the most replayability of most.

It's extremely fun to just hop back into this game, play the Double or Nothing mode, and see how far you can get. The base game almost feels like a tutorial to what is to come from this game, and it is much simpler to the Double or Nothing mode, it is fun if you just want a simpler experience.

With that Double or Nothing mode, they expand so much over the base game that it feels so refreshing to keep replaying it. All the new items are extremely fun, and fit within the world they created.

And, the world that they did create, is actually very interesting, despite us not knowing much of it. We can see that there is so much more of this world, but we only see this one tiny aspect of it, I would love to see more games set within this world.

One last thing about it, once this game adds the Multiplayer mode that is being talked about, I'm sure that will be one of the most fun parts of this game yet. Facing off with your friends will be endlessly fun, and even going against random players will be exhilarating. This game is genuinely really good, and a certain Indie Horror must play.

Overall: 9/10

I don't know what to even say with Funny Park. Is this game a satire on Mascot Horror culture? The game opens with a direct ripoff of the Poppy Playtime Chapter 1 opening, and probably will proceed to go on as one of the worst games I have ever played.

The villain's name is literally HugoBoB, like come on, the ''Hugo'' part is obviously a riff on ''Huggy'' for ''Huggy Wuggy'', all this game is, is a ripoff. It's not enjoyable at all.

Your gimmick here is a Ray Gun, now I don't know how that is supposed to fit into a children's park, but hey, it's Mascot Horror, nothing ever makes any sense in any of these shits.

And, lastly, as one final punch to your gut, it ends with a ''Play the sequel when it releases!"' and it shows some random Unity asset character that they got for free as the ''villain'' for Part 2.

Now, if this is a satire, then I give it more leigh way, because it wasn't made to be good, but I think this genuinely is a game trying to be serious, trying to be the next big thing. It's probably made by a kid, making their first ever game, and I hope that kid can go on to make really good games in the future, but this is terrible, and I hope they learn from their mistake.

Overall: 1/10

Outlast is a truly great horror game, and a nice and sweet experience. The character designs in this game are actually amazing, and the graphics, for being nearly 10 years old still hold up very well. The chases are great. The chase music is also great. This is one of the more ''beginner friendly'' and ''digestible'' horror games in recent years, but it's still great despite being pretty basic and bare bones.

Overall: 9/10

Outlast II is absolutely too hated on, this game is great. The graphics in this game is amazing, the characters are certainly far weaker, but I think this game makes up with that in story. The story in this game is great, the school sections are great, same with the cult sections. This game really deserves more love. It's the weakest Outlast game, but come on, it's not deserving of a 2.9/5.

Overall: 8/10

The game is literally one minute long, so there's not much to really say about it. The only thing I can say is that I feel as if this would have worked as a Short Film more than a game, and that they shouldn't have showed the monster. Overall, below average, but a still solid attempt at micro horror.

Overall: 6/10

Red Dead Redemption 2 is phenomenal. I won't be the first, nor last person to say that. It's a universally loved game, and it deserves all the praise, compliments and accolades it gets. Because it truly is amazing.

The story in this game, is probably in the top 5 best stories ever told within a game. It really feels like you are watching a 1950's cowboy movie, that just so happens to have a couple of hundreds of millions of dollars to pull off some nice epic scenes, and interesting set pieces. This, at least for me, might be the best story about the Wild West, or Cowboys ever told.

The characters in this game is probably the best part of it, every character actually feels like a real person that you are interacting to. Each character, even extremely minor ones, are very fleshed out, and very well written. You will most likely root for this gang of terrible people, because they wrote them so complex and so well.

The world that this game inhabits is also probably one of the best Open Worlds in a game. It's extremely detailed, realistic, and immersive. With so many interesting side quests that you can do, and just interesting characters that have no quest to them, that you can just find, and they also are really interesting. And the beautiful graphics adds to this world.

And lastly, the gameplay is great. It can get repetitive at times, but it is very smooth, very well made, and especially the hand to hand combat is great. At least I think so.

All this together puts together a great game, while it may not be in my top 5 like so many other people that play this game, I can certainly say that this is still an amazing game, that should be remembered for years to come.

Garten of Banban: Punchrush is certainly the weirdest Banban game yet, but it is one of the funnest. The gameplay loop is probably the best out of all of the Banban games yet, but it by far is the most boring after a while of playtime.

While most Banban games can be fun, because of how ridiculous and over the top they are, this one just gets extremely boring after you clear like 5 rooms. The rooms don't get new backgrounds, or wallpaper. It's the exact same objects and layout, it barely changes.

If the game had more content, like new environments based off the game, it could have been better, but the game is just incredibly mediocre. It's an alright game if you have nothing to do.

Overall: 5/10

My Eyes Deceive is quite an interesting little indie horror game, it only runs about 30 minutes, yet packs a lot of punches, that I did see coming, but were done well.

The game takes place in a basement, the outer world has been ravaged, and is a wasteland. Someone takes care of you, and occasionally checks on you. The gameplay loop is waking up, doing activities, and chatting with your protector. He often brings up creatures, and monsters that are in the outside world, and that we must stay where we are, or we will die.

He brings us medicine, food, and water, everything we need to survive. The game has many dream sequences that are very ''artistic'' in nature, with how they depict things. There is a massive twist at the end, and I will admit, I did see it coming a few minutes into the game. Though that should not discredit just how well they pull off the twist. It is unnerving, depending on what ending you get.

This is a really good game, that is mainly concerned with its story then gameplay.

Overall: 8/10

The Other Side is a very clear Iron Lung inspired game (which I've seen some people call Lunglikes), and to be quite honest, I was not going into this game expecting that much from it. I expected a cheaply made Iron Lung knockoff, but came to be decently surprised that it was actually quite well made, and had a great ending to cap off this short game.

It's an easy recommend as it's free and only around 20 minutes, and for people who like Iron Lung, I'm sure you'd really like it too.

Overall: 6/10

Mooshies Kitchen 2 is the sequel to the Mascot Horror Game titled, ''Mooshie's Kitchen'' what a shocker!

While the first game was trying to parody the genres of Mascot Horror, it did it fine. It wasn't anything great, but it did enough as an okay parody. Now, I have finally played the sequel, and while it is still just okay, it does improve on the first one, in every way.

The game has more gameplay, with a combat system from the beginning, there are enemies that attack you at random moments. The comedy is also much better than the first game, and executes the parody style much better.

There isn't much to say about Mooshie's Kitchen 2, just that it is a totally alright, playable, and quite funny mascot horror game that does a parody well.

Overall: 4/10

I remember hearing about this Open World Spider-Man game that would not be a movie tie-in game, and it would be its own universe. I was so excited, and the trailers they were releasing were just pushing up my excitement so much. I needed this game, and I needed it soon.

So when Pre-Orders went out, with a set in stone release day, I bought it the second I could. And the wait began to play it. And when it arrived, and I could finally play Marvel's Spider-Man, or what most people called it, Spider-Man PS4. I was floored by this game.

It was amazing, I probably would sit down on my couch for like 10 hours, every day, for a week straight, just playing the game, and also around that time I got a very terrible skin rash. That couldn't even bring down my enjoyment for this game.

The web swinging felt so good, especially the first time you ever swing in this game, it feels amazing. They did it perfectly.

Now, why this isn't a 4.5/5 like my review for Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, is because simply the Remastered version is the ''better'' version of this game. So, better to play that one, but this game is still great, and if you just want to buy the original version, with the original Peter Parker face, than go right ahead.

Overall: 8/10

It's obviously inspired by Hotline Miami, and while it doesn't reach to be better than it, for a free riff on that style, it's not that bad. The story is quite meh, just there for point A to B, but the gunplay and gameplay is decent. Give it a shot. It is free. Hotline Miami is better, if you like this game, play Hotline. Or vice versa.

Overall: 7/10

So, when Garten of BanBan 3 was releasing, I didn't think it was going to be good at all, I thought it was going to get worse, the low point was BanBan 2, and BanBan 1 was pretty mediocre. I was scared that BanBan 3 would become the worst, and as this series goes on, it'll get worse and worse.

I didn't even play this game on launch day, and when I finally bought it to play it, it took me a day to get through it, which is the longest a BanBan game has ever took. So, I was surprised when this was better than BanBan 2 and BanBan 1.

Doesn't mean that it is a good game, it's very generic as well. But, it does exceed above the previous 2 entries. It just, again, feels very generic. Very tropey. Very Mascot Horror. The gameplay is the fucking same. None of the games innovate and change their own gameplay. It's all the same shit about drones, and throwing them into buttons, so you can get through a door.

I don't really care for the story they are going for, it's almost non-existant. They just feed you tidbits of information, of what is going on here, just so people can make theories about it, and by not giving much, it creates more theories when you give just a tiny bit more story. And if you do that method, do 2 lines of story, a bunch of theories pop up. And you can continue that train, for however long these games go on for.

The villain, Stinger Flynn, who I don't even fucking know if he is the main villain, because I assumed BanBan would be the villain, but he ended up helping you. So, no fucking clue on Stinger Flynn. And Flynn's voice acting is just so plain and bad, you can hear the person voicing him, which is probably one of the 2 developers, just not giving a shit about this character, and not trying. Or maybe he is, but he's just not good.

A positive I will say, is the Jumbo Josh Lounge segment. Where you get placed there with Jumbo Josh, and you have to break yourself out of this lounge, but Josh does routine checks probably every minute and a half, so you have to place everything back the way it was. This is actually done decent, even if it does remind me of the RE7 Bedroom sequence, but nonetheless, it isn't terrible.

Overall: 4/10

A real rough game that could have been much better, and could have told it's message and story much, much better. This game almost feels like a weird A24 movie, or a Harmony Korine film. It's weird, it makes no sense, and almost things just happen, to just happen, with no real impact on the game or story.

And while that would have been fine, an odd take on a very real thing, I like A24, I love Harmony Korine, and despite it feeling like those things, it didn't work for me. Maybe give it a shot, seems to just not be for me, and might work much better for others.

Overall: 4/10

This review contains spoilers

This was a game I went in knowing almost nothing, I knew of it's old styled, Atari-esque graphics, and that it was Religion-based, but besides that, I went in and played this game completely within the dark. And that's how you need to experience this game. Don't look anything up about it, do note the gameplay style, and graphical style, but besides that, don't look into it. Experience this game how it is.

From now on, if you haven't played the game don't read further.


Starting with Chapter I.

If Chapter I was released alone, as a completely standalone game, with no Chapter II and no Chapter III, it still would have worked really well with telling a smaller story, and presenting it well. The tidbits of information that you get in this Chapter, that sets up the backstory of events, is very interesting. Getting to learn about Amy Martin, facing her, and then choosing, depending on your actions, 1 of 5 different endings, all works well. One of these endings even sets up Chapter III completely, which would probably go over your head if you don't replay the first Chapter after playing Chapter III. The boss fight you have with Amy Martin in the attic of the Martin House, is done really well, and is decently challenging, nothing too hard, but it could prove more difficulty for certain people. Though this is not that hard compared to the final boss in Chapter III.

Chapter II

While this is my least favorite of the 3 chapters presented in the Unholy Trinity, it is still really good in its own right. It is longer than Chapter I, the bosses are better, the scares are really good in this one. Especially the demon that you cannot move when he's there, really caught me off guard, and did admittedly spook me when I first saw him. And he gets a nice cameo in Chapter III. When you finish the game, it is revealed that the events of Chapter II were a dream, and I personally hate ''it's all a dream'' endings, so I wasn't very fond of the ending when I first saw it, but after thinking about it. It works quite well. You can say the demons are invading him in his dreams, that they are so scarring that he only can dream about these demons, and when put in those contexts, it works well.

Chapter III

This is the height of this game, Chapter III is an actual masterpiece of Indie Horror. It's far longer than both chapters combined, with 3 endings, the basic, Normal ending takes around 2 hours, the True ending 3 hours, and the Bad ending, probably 20 minutes. While the Normal Ending, and the Bad Ending, are both good, and can be seen as very bleak in a sense, the True Ending is where it shines. How the story wraps up, is absolutely brilliant, the cutscenes are amazing in this chapter, and the hidden bosses that you have to go through for the True Ending in Chapter III are great. And then, you get the hardest boss of the entire game, Super Miriam. The boss is difficult, certainly. But for me, after 2 tries it did become a bit predictable, but it seems I'm in the minority there. The boss is rewarding, and great, and the ending you can choose is also great.


While we probably will never get a Faith: Chapter IV, that's fine, the story ended great, and it's by far one of the best Indie Horror games of the past decade.

Overall: 9.5/10