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OverdosedOnGames finished Super Dragon Punch Force 3
Super Dragon Punch Force 3 is a movie tie-in game with the action movie Boy Kills World. From all the trailers I've seen of Boy Kills World, the movie looks very fun, and very gory, and very over the top, and I'm quite excited to watch it someday.

So, just a few days ago, I learn that there is a tie in game, that is the game the main character in Boy Kills World gets his own inner voice from, and I was intrigued. Because I haven't a movie tie-in game in a while, and this seemed interesting as a fighting game, that works as an in-universe game for that movie.

I download the game, the menu is really cool, the artstyle is looking nice. I go to play the game. There are 3 available characters. I play each of them, all of them aren't fun at all to play as, and I believe there is less than 5 moves per character.

Like I said, each character's bad. One is literally guranteed to win every game, one is the most cheap, annoying character to fight against, and one deals so low damage, there's no reason to pick her. None are fun to play as, or fight.

There are 6 other characters. All of which need 1 of 2 currencies, tickets, or gold. Gold costs real money, this game hasn't been out for a month, and there's a shop, skins, emotes, and you can buy characters for money already. And this is a half baked game, so spending money on a half baked, unfinished game.

For tickets, they can be earned in the actual game, you get 100 tickets per fight. You need 10k tickets per character. That's 100 games to unlock one character. There are 6. That's 600 games to win, to get all the characters in it.

And, when I tried to do PVP, saw there was only one other person playing it. Funny thing is? He was playing PvE, so I couldn't even do the PvP in this game.

It's in Open Beta, so it could get better, realistically, but I don't think so. Since the game is already dead, probably won't be fixed. This game's fucking terrible.

Overall: 2/10

1 day ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

4 days ago

6 days ago

OverdosedOnGames finished Fake Signals
Fake Signals is quite the conflicting game for me, I had picked this up and started playing it because I was hoping it would scratch that Hotline Miami itch that I had.

And at points, it did, but at other points, it really didn't. This game is meant to be played as a ''stealth'' game, but that stealth is basically non-existent in this game, its easier, and better, to just go guns blazing in it.

And, it's very clearly inspired by John Wick. The main character is quite literally a John Wick lookalike, and later in the game, you meet an NPC called ''John Week'', so clearly you can see the developer was inspired by the John Wick movies.

That's fine, you can be inspired by those movies, and I want more games inspired by them, so we can have that great combat like in those movies. Sadly, the combat in this game, is just very mediocre. It's nothing special, it can feel satisfying, but it's also frustrating at points too.

The story is quite barebones, you are just killing to find and save your family, and at the end there are some twists, that are a bit weird, and do get you thinking.

At the end of the day, I don't regret playing this game, but I wouldn't have minded not playing it. It's just an extremely mediocre action game, and I know this is the devs first game, and I hope it gets better from here.

Overall: 5/10

8 days ago

OverdosedOnGames finished Firewatch
Firewatch was a game that I had heard about for many years now, and has always been a game that I have wanted to play. I held off on it for a while, but until a sale came up, I saw the game on a deal for 3 dollars, so I just had to buy it, after putting it off for a few more months, I finally have played the game.

The visuals in this game are absolutely stunning, and they mix 3d stylized atmosphere, with drawn backgrounds that just fit in beautifully and perfectly.

The other huge positive of this game is the writing, the writing in this game is absolutely incredible. Every character feels alive, and their interactions actually feel like real interactions you would have with real people.

The game is also not too long, it does drag on a little, but the game is still well paced, and I know many people just find this a walking simulator, but I find this a little more than that. This has more to it than just walking, and I think that really heightens the experience even more.

This is a really good game, and a game that should be checked out, and even if people say the ending is really disappointing, I wouldn't listen to them. It's perfectly fine, and fits a fitting conclusion to the story.

Overall: 8/10

9 days ago

OverdosedOnGames finished Rinse and Repeat
Rinse and Repeat is a 10 minute long indie horror game, that caught my attention because it had gotten mildly popular on TikTok.

The game is so simple, yet it's actually shockingly intelligent. The way to get one of the endings in this game, shows how us as players are, and how we act on instincts, and how we easily go off of things we don't know for certain, but we act on them because we think it's true.

The game's actually really smart in that way, it got me paranoid, opening my eyes in the game to make sure a monster wasn't near me, I gained a lot of appreciation for this when I did get all the endings for it.

Now I can't say this game is amazing, because it is quite generic, it's just that it is way more smarter than most of these short free indie horror games.

Overall 6/10

11 days ago

13 days ago

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