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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 11, 2021

First played

March 7, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


yknow this one doesn’t hit me as hard on a replay, i dont think it’s quite as gripping as even 1, nor does it get my brain ticking and the emotions flowing like 2, it’s much more simple and to the point, and that’s fine, but the thrill on a replay isn’t there, which is the biggest draw the first time through, and it loses that imo. i don’t quite like the character writing here as much either, i think it works fantastic as a cog in the machine of the metal gear franchise, but on its own it doesn’t hit me like that, which is unfortunate, it’s the lowest part of mgs on a replay but even still that first play through was fantastic and i love it for that, even if i don’t feel the same a second time through.