Games I give a 0/5

It sucks that this happens to be true at times, but they say negativity attracts more attention than positivity, right?

Well, playing these games is the definition of misery, we're talking a big aura of mean-spirited cynical and/or non-functional design, whether it's the gameplay system and/or writing treating its players so poorly (Pay-to-win microtransactions are another quick way to go this direction) that it almost feels like a sick joke made by someone who had a really bad day; it needs to be so bad that eventually, you can't even so much as laugh at it.

Unfortunately, Backloggd doesn't allow me to give a game 0 stars as of this writing, so I'll have to settle with this list instead. If this list is your introduction to me, I implore you to check my ratings for other games and other social media platforms, because negativity isn't something anyone should be exclusively known for. Thanks for reading!

Game Room
Game Room
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Happy Wars
Happy Wars
Pokémon Picross
Pokémon Picross
Quantum Conundrum
Quantum Conundrum
Enter the Matrix
Enter the Matrix
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels


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