Games I give a 0/5

It sucks that this happens to be true at times, but they say negativity attracts more attention than positivity, right?

Well, playing these games is the definition of misery, we're talking a big aura of mean-spirited cynical and/or non-functional design, whether it's the gameplay system and/or writing treating its players so poorly (Pay-to-win microtransactions are another quick way to go this direction) that it almost feels like a sick joke made by someone who had a really bad day; it needs to be so bad that eventually, you can't even so much as laugh at it.

Unfortunately, Backloggd doesn't allow me to give a game 0 stars as of this writing, so I'll have to settle with this list instead. If this list is your introduction to me, I implore you to check my ratings for other games and other social media platforms, because negativity isn't something anyone should be exclusively known for. Thanks for reading!

Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels
Enter the Matrix
Enter the Matrix
Pokémon Picross
Pokémon Picross
Quantum Conundrum
Quantum Conundrum
Happy Wars
Happy Wars
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Army Men: Major Malfunction
Game Room
Game Room


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