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1 day

Last played

October 5, 2023

Platforms Played



I'm kinda blown away I hadn't played this before.
I loved Demon's Crest when I played it a few years ago, but this game may actually be a tighter expierence.
The platforming is so deliberate and satisfying. Whenever you have to make a precise jump with your flying ability, it feels amazing. The way they utilize the vertical space in their levels is genius.
The abilities you get all feel really useful actually. Even the last blob orb thing you get, despite it only being used on the final stage, is one of the most memorable abilities you get.
The boss fights are a little easy, but pretty satisfying to calculate that vertical angle, and just wail on.
I think the dicest part of the expierence was the overworld RPG stuff. I kinda winced when I started the game and saw this, but I wasn't too annoyed with it. It really doesn't add much to expierence besides some padding and really uneeded world-building, if I'm being honest. But pretty inoffensive. I ended up using a Youtube playthrough a few times just to alleviate some wondering around, since it's "hints" on how to proceed aren't exactly spelling it out for you somtimes.
But I didn't feel too bad about it, since the platforming was what I was mainly here for.
The music and ESPECIALLY its visuals are so good.
Seriously this is probably the slickest looking NES game I've ever seen. Firebrands sprite looks incredible. Would have throught this was a Genesis game if you showed me a screenshot.
Overall; i love this game. Easily up there with some of my favorite NES games like Blaster Master and Mega Man 6.
I guess I'm playing this backwards, so I'll be sure to try the original when I get a chance.