Holy shit that campaign was BORING. Finished three levels before I hit my limit and fell asleep. I just LOVE spraying the same four spongy enemies in the same four hallways with the same four weapons. The music (as sparse as it is) is a lot better than the shitty generic Hollywood-style orchestral ambience I was expecting though. I hope Halo 3 is better.

Reviewed on Jan 15, 2022


ur prolly gonna hate the rest of the series if this filtered you that hard

get ready for even worse design from 2, ODST, and Reach

2 years ago

i dont give a single shit about what you think oomfie

2 years ago

halo 3 is probably the only halo campaign that's thoroughly engaging

2 years ago

i trust chandler's judgement. halo 3 is gonna be kino!

2 years ago

Gaylo: Mid Evolved
halo 2 better

2 years ago

beg ur friends to buy halo 3 and play it co-op. its sex

2 years ago

im going to ban you fromm r/megaten for this.