Love going to the library and facing the staff in mortal combat. So glad to see a game represent this!

He turned into a sheep. Funniest shit I've ever seen.

You know when you finish something, and you have to lie down for a while afterwards to just process it because it was so emotional? That - but I just keep lying there for a month.

One of the best games I've ever played that I can recommend to exactly nobody. I sure hope Angela goes to therapy! [clueless]

Exhibit A in my proof that farmers are stronger than any divine being.

This game had no right being as good as it was. Also the High Krawl designs are bangers.

The best thing in a puzzle game is when you can do the exact same thing multiple times to different results, right? You want the puzzles to have random elements at all times, right?
Hold on. Watch this rat clip out of bounds of the puzzle course. No, this is good. This is what gaming is all about.
Don't play this.

This game looks like it came out in the stone ages, and feels like it was written yesterday. Absolutely fantastic script with really fun and charming characters. The gameplay? Oh, that's incidental. Don't even worry about that.

Trying to squeeze every last drop of content out of this game is a strange undertaking as you will go and get every single trophy, collect all major items, get all endings, and go to start a new playthrough. On that new playthrough you end up finding 4 more questlines, and several new dungeons. The same happens again on your next playthrough, and so on. Even when using online resources, you'll still somehow miss content over and over!
Even though I have the platinum trophy and have done 4 full playthroughs with save-swapping to get every ending and do every questline I could find, I wouldn't be surprised if next week I was told there was an entire part of the game I somehow missed.
What a triumph of game design!

i really wish i could give this a higher rating. content wise it'd be 4.5-5 stars but boy that performance needs fixing first. a step forward and a step back at once. that soundtrack bangs though