I got very close to finishing the first game in one sitting. It's still lots of fun, very casual platformer. I can see why people would speed run this game though.

First impressions: this game seems very promising as a unique spin on the Metroidvania style with the motorcycle mechanics that remind me a bit of those internet biker games I played back in middle school. Gameplay took a bit to get used to, but I'm only getting started. It's furry too, always a plus. Getting myself prepped for a story that allegedly has a ton of feels.

Been playing this in small sessions. It's very good! Can be challenging when it wants to, but also doesn't take much to overcome them. The power ups are mostly useful, mostly in certain situations where they might be better suited. Would benefit from a harder mode, but it's fun enough.

Story is meh. Bare bones story about a guardian going rogue during a war where they are made to oppress people, something, something, revolution! Don't play it for the story, you'll be underwhelmed.

Glad something like this exists, even if indie games are a bit oversaturated with Metroidvania's. This one is a good example, takes more inspiration from something like Mega Man X instead of Metroid. Good stuff!

Only got back into this game recently since a few years ago. Having with it so far. Had a crew of four people, that was a fun experience. Seems like there is more stuff to do now in this game, would definitely like to find more people to play with at some point.

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Think this just might be my favorite Mario game ever. I first played the original for a brief period back in 2016 when I was in college at a friend's place. Haven't touched it since until I got the remake for Christmas.

I wanna point out real quick that this was a good game to pace your play time through. I've been pacing myself after getting each star so my sessions didn't turn into binge playing. That's a goal I have for myself now as it makes the game in question more rewarding and memorable. You retain a lot more stuff in small sessions.

As for the game itself, yeah it's great! The most I've liked a Mario property in a while, and it's in a turn-based JRPG style that I absolutely adore. Being merged with the timing attacks for bigger hits did wonders for its sense of immersion. And then of course you have your platforming, cause you can't have Mario without some platforming shenanigans, and it blended very well.

Story is great, probably the most story I've seen in a Mario game, and also such a wide variety and memorable characters, both in your party and also side characters you meet along the way. Everything about the story and the world building is very simple, but it works to great wonders. Always wanted a Mario game that wasn't necessarily "Mario saves Peach from Bowser 69" again, and this is closest thing you get to it.

Geno is great and Mallow is great, fun additions that I would to see show up more often in future titles. Peach being playable was a neat surprise, she was very valuable, and could pack a punch when you needed her to.

Small spoilers, but I love Monstro Town, the monster village you come across. This place gave me very "chosen family" vibes which always brings some warmth to my heart.

Super Mario RPG is a must play. A ton of fun, literally have no negatives about it. Definitely give it a shot. And lastly, the Super Mario Bros. Movie would have been a lot better if they just based it off this instead (...and of course ditch Illumination for someone more competent).

I downloaded this game after hearing great things about it when it went on sale, and I played it in just a few settings. Probably the closest thing to a souls-like game I've completed. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice is a great game about overcoming the grieving of a lost lover in a Norse mythology setting. And huge points for developers being thoughtful and grounded with their portrayal of psychosis throughout the game.

The game would have it's moments struggling from time to time in terms of framerate being noticeable, and the occasional glitch that would keep me from progressing the story, but otherwise, it was relatively fun experience.