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1 day

Last played

May 28, 2023

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I appreciate its spirit and the rhythm action idea it’s aiming for (Hi-Fi Rush showed a bigger budget version with more polish can be a lot of fun) but the execution is really rough and feels like a student game that’s missing even an adequate amount of playtesting/QA/polish.

The music can be fun to play along to, even when it’s a genre I don’t love, but the audio transitions between styles is erratic and there’s too much repetition of playing through the same 20 note snippets again and again. Navigating the environment is often a pain due to hectic real-time rhythm attacks combined with a 2.5D visual style that struggles to distinguish what’s traversable and what’s level geometry, plus it’s missing the input smoothing that would prevent getting stopped every time you barely clip a hard corner of that ambiguous level geometry. I was willing to push through all that for a couple of hours, including all the small distracting bugs that seemed to keep popping up, but fittingly I got trapped in level geometry and reloading saves wouldn’t fix it.