I’ve dipped into a couple of Double Fine games over the years, but mostly they’ve been a niche I let pass me by as a matter of whim, assuming I’d appreciate the highlights if I ever revisited them. Well, I finally get why their debut established such a lasting fandom.

The writing and high-concept design on display is thoughtful and the dialogue is timelessly funny and charming. I was vaguely aware of the Milkman Conspiracy, and it’s solidly original, but Black Velvetopia and Waterloo World might be even more impressive. Even the less ambitious ideas like Milla’s Dance Party and Gloria’s Theater and Lungfishopolis are clever and fun. The only real dud is the Meat Circus, maybe one of the best concepts on paper and containing the strongest genuinely emotional moment of the game for me (“is that how you see me?”), but it’s tediously frustrating to actually play. Even so, it’s hard to stay mad at any game that’s this lovingly bespoke throughout.

(What finally motivated me to play this was starting their recent Psychodyssey episodes. I paused after 4-5 since Psychonauts 2 spoilers were about to show up, and I want to play it beforehand, so I diverted to finally watching Double Fine Adventure instead, and started Psychonauts 1 in the meantime. Now that I’m finished with this earlier game and that earlier doc series, I’m looking forward to checking out each of their sequels next!)

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2023


1 year ago


1 year ago

You're in for a great time! I love these games! And the movie is good too.