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Unpolished, buggy, a slogfest sometimes, but full of personality and with incredible potential for a sequel
The first few hours were some of the most fresh and engaging I had in an RPG for a long time, I was fascinated with the world and the mechanics. You really feel like an inexperienced peasant in a huge oppressing world that doesn't give a shit about you, unfortunately once you get a hang of the mechanics and explore every place in the map the magic disappears and all you have left is a repetitive sequence of fetch quests that ultimately lead to the most abrupt anti-climatic ending I've ever seen in a video game.
Nevertheless, considering that this is the first game from the studio, I feel very optimistic and look forward to what they can achieve in a future installment with more polished gameplay and rethought mechanics.

Really unique game. A war story that focuses more on the social political side of things instead of the typical "power fantasy" COD-like games, exudes a refreshing anti-war message and a hopeful feeling without losing its core sense of grounded realism. Feels very fucking real with everything happening in Gaza right now, couldn't have picked a better time to play it, hits you in the soul when you draw the parallels with real life events
The characters feel authentic, everyone feels multidimensional with nuanced motivations and backgrounds, the antagonists don't fall behind the main cast in any way, none of them seem cartoonish evil, you can understand their reasoning even if clearly flawed. One thing that I personally loved was the language barrier mechanic, enriches the setting contributing to that same grounded realism while helping you feel how broad the social impact of the war is
Unfortunately, the gameplay is... not good to say the least, the main combat is super monotonous lacking polish and depth, I was just sighing at the repetitiveness in the final dungeon
It doesn't impact the experience that much since the game is short, and the developers clearly knew it was their biggest fault, judging by the amount of combat the game has

Completely unbeliavable that this game was made by only one person. So much content in a game with almost 60 hours that doesn´t feel dragged out at all. Smooth pacing, good writing, good enough characters (with 2-3 really interesting) and alround simple combat with just the perfect variety for the longevity of the game.