6 reviews liked by Pelagial

There will be nothing better than this in my life.

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Earthquake
- Defog
- U-turn
- Toxic

if the game world was like 5% easier to navigate, this would be spectacular.

The technical polish and graphics are definitely above average for a game like this, but the whole experience is extremely derivative. Think Spiderman PS4 with worse pacing, writing, voice acting, story, combat... everything really. Side quests are very repetitive and lazily made and the game as a whole does not take advantage of being open world at all. Very often you'll just end up doing some hunting quest ripped straight out of the shovelware "hunters trophy 2 America" on ps3. Which is to say, mindlessly chasing a trail of glowing mist to find where the game wants you to go.

Gathering items to heal and refill ammo just gets tedious over time. Like cool just did a difficult fight, time to pick up 20 flowers and 20 sticks again and watch the grab animation on every single one. The rpg mechanics feel very unimportant as levelling up is really only for the most basic skill tree possible and it's not often you even find gear worth buying. The main character gets more exhausting the more she talks, which is constantly. There's not a single interesting character in general. Decent presentation for story early on, quickly devolves into cheap ugly Skyrim type back and forth for most of the game. Combat CAN have satisfying moments but a lot of big enemies don't have realistic weight to them, making it hard to hit their weak spots as they rotate almost like an mmo boss or twitch around. And it being almost exclusively ranged focused feels repetitive after 40+ hours.

A few decent moments here and there and some mindless Ubisoft open world gameplay at best. Can't help but constantly ask myself "Why did they bother making this?" Like on an artistic level a game like this CAN'T be a passion project. Feels focus tested beyond belief. A completely overproduced void of uninspired, tired mechanics taken from an entire decade of factory produced cynical corporate tripleA shovelware.

Idk call me a gaming snob if you want, I totally understand someone who's less picky about this kind of thing having a blast. It works well, looks pretty, you shoot the big robot over and over again for hours...You can easily get 40+ hours out of the game...And that's all some people need. I don't consider myself that much of a snob tho like bro I'll stream the Cars 2 game over a laggy connection and have fun with it. I just don't respect games like this whatsoever. Fun fact I found this game so painfully mid it's what got me to start reviewing games on sites like this. (Recently moved over to this one after being on a different site for about a year, lovin you guys already <3)

One of the greatest games of all time unless you're homophobic

nein. 🤠
einfach nur nein. 🤠