Log Status






Time Played

215h 55m

Days in Journal

19 days

Last played

June 13, 2024

First played

December 27, 2021

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


A mocking critique and self-deprecating parody of Hollywood and American pop culture. There's nothing quite like it. GTA V is a monumental achievement and stands as one of the generational-defining video games of our time. I love the world-building, and the overall gameplay is very satisfying, although it does get repetitive after playing for a while. Sometimes I'd boot the game up just to listen to the city ambience or simply cruise down the streets of Los Santos with the radio on. However, I found the main storytelling quite lackluster, but it did manage to give us several iconic characters that helped bring its world to life.

At its core, GTA V is a meticulously crafted game aimed at gratifying our primal desire for violence and sexuality without real-life ramifications. It's a game made to satirize the absurdities of pop culture, yet over the past decade, mainstream culture has ironically begun to embody the very traits it once critiqued. In many ways, the success and legacy of GTA V perfectly encapsulates the zeitgeist of our generation and acts as a reflection of America's declining morality. It serves as a mirror to our own dysfunctional culture, plagued with corrupt politicians, and a society enslaved by capitalism, where self-serving interests and greed trump principles and ethics.

GTA V will continue to hold its place as one of the best games of all time. It’s a cultural juggernaut whose influence and impact remain unparalleled. Even though better open-world games have come out since its release, none have matched its ability to capture the zeitgeist with such precision. It stands as a poignant reminder of our society's potential trajectory.