I worked on this game, please play it when it releases on Steam for free :D

I love this game's atmosphere, story, music, art, pretty much everything aesthetic about it. It is so cute and it pretty much the exact story format that matches me the most. The problem is that its gameplay is horrible, the controls feel clunky and the level design do not really fit in with the suit gimmick very well, especially given that it is so easy for them to be lost. I wish this game had more time in the oven and more care, because I genuinely could have seen this becoming one of my favourite games of all time, but alas, I'm gonna give it 3 stars but it is pretty much entirely because of my own bias towards this game.

This review contains spoilers

This game is so stupid that it literally lets you discount itself I 100%ed every game and A ranked all of the missions 5/5

Splatoon 3 is so much fun, I love the story mode and the gameplay is incredible. The game is so in-depth adds so many features that improve the Splatoon gameplay. I'm not really sure why they didn't wait for a new console to make this, but it's cool. I love the singer trio and I really appreciate Agent 3, Callie and Marie's return. I didn't really like the 2 new weapon types, or some of the new specials, but that's ok because the older ones are still around. It's a pretty fun game!

This game is pretty good. The new Pokemon designs are incredible and it has a pretty fun set of characters and an absolutely incredible soundtrack. Being able to go around without any direction is fun, I really enjoyed going straight to the 8th gym and beating it as my first one. The game's story is cute. It is just heavily riddled with performance issues and bugs that really brought the experience down for me because of how many times I lost progress. I hope this gets fixed in the future.

This game is so good oh my gosh.

Emblems are so fun to mess around with, the gameplay is very fun and leaves room for some interesting playstyles, and it is very easy to break which just makes it even more enjoyable.

I think the thing this game stands out most is the characters. Alear's design seemed a little mediocre to me at first but once I played through the game it seriously grew on me. There are so many other fun and well-designed characters as well, such as Etie, Rosado, Yunaka, and more.

The story isn't really deep and complex like the last few entries, but it is a really fun ride and is quite optimistic, and I appreciate it a lot for that. Overall, I really enjoyed this game, I'm really glad I picked it up.

What the heck. I didn't expect this game to be so fun. As a musician, I really enjoyed playing around with the instruments the game gives you, and I can see myself getting lost in all of the modes that you have to choose from. The game gives you several toys to make music with, and while some of them sound better than others, it was really fun adding my own spin to these concepts. Awesome game!

A fun twist on the Pac-Man formula. It didn't really mesh with me as well as Tetris 99 did but that's mostly because Tetris is something I'm more familiar with than Pac-Man. I'm really happy to see this attempt to translate the game into a battle royale format, and I think it was done really well! I really enjoyed my time playing this game. Speeding up when you eat every pellet and all the ghost additives are neat ways to improve your strength and abilities. Very creative concept! I hope to see more 99 variants of other games (Puyo Puyo 99 please?!)

This game is incredible!

The bullet hell mechanics are really fun and work really well! I think it was tied into the story in an organic way. I love the character designs and especially Minnie. She's a wonderful character and a wonderful protagonist. I was really eager to follow her throughout the journey. The music also rocks, every piece is incredible.

I would say my main problem with this game is the writing. We collect evidence but never actually use it? I feel like the player is strung along the story without really figuring anything out for themselves, and I really really don't like the progression of one of the characters. I feel like how their dialogue flows didn't really make sense with how they worked, but that is a spoiler so I suppose I won't be going into too much detail on that.

Overall, good game! There's a lot of potential here, also my friends made it and I love them.

I mean... it's ok I guess.

I don't really have many thoughts on this game. I'm not too familiar with Mobas and I feel like that probably hindered my enjoyment here.

The roster is good, with some really interesting choices like Cramorant and no one really felt missing. The game doesn't have Quagsire so unfortunately, I can't give this game a bias point.

The microtransactions feel really scummy here, I would say this is my primary problem with the game. It didn't really keep me hooked for any amount of time either so...

I don't know I didn't really like it, I have friends who do but it's not for me.

I mean, it is Deltarune, so you can count on it being a good game, and well, it was!

I think this game was a big improvement over the first chapter in a lot of ways. The OST is somehow the best in the entire series. The new characters are such fantastic additions to the series. I absolutely adore Queen and Noelle, and of course, Susie and Ralsei are as great as they've always been. I still love the theming that is going on here, but I feel like I need more of the game's context to be able to adequately describe my thoughts on that. I think it's a great followup to Undertale. I'll definitely need to revisit the entire Deltarune story whenever the full thing is released.

Overall, love where this is going, looking forward to seeing more!

This game was really really good!

I played the arcade version with my boyfriend and we got through the entire thing. I hadn't played a House of the Dead game before but I already knew about it from other media (primarily the Sonic and All-Stars series), and I wanted to give it a shot.

It worked really well in the arcade format, the gun controls worked surprisingly well and I felt like I always had a bearing of where I was aiming, it was pretty intuitive to pick up quickly and I felt the prologue gave a good environment to learn how the game worked without being too unforgiving. (My bf did get me killed a couple times but it's ok he's wonderful)

I like that the game gave you the opportunity to try some of the weapons within the game's story against certain bosses and in certain situations, I think that there was a lot of creativity and variety involved in how to deal with monsters and their designs. I suppose there were a couple of things that I felt got overused a little (so many chandeliers!), but I think playing the game with another person enhanced the enjoyment for me a lot.

The story wasn't anything special, but it didn't need to be, and it probably shouldn't have been given the format of the game, and yet I still harbored some sort of intense attachment towards Kate Green that I don't really understand. She's cool! Ryan is cool too I guess.

Good game! I would absolutely recommend giving this game a shot, I hope to try some of the other games in this franchise soon!

A very interesting twist on the platform fighter formula, I really appreciate branching out the genre in a new and interesting way and focusing on the teamwork aspect. The animations are all so fluid and fun and I think it avoids the pitfall that Nickelodeon fell into, making the characters really feel like themselves. Also, Velma is in this and I honestly don't think I need anything more for me to love the roster.

Pretty good game I would say. The roster is absolutely fantastic (shoutouts to Toph and April as characters I find to be especially interesting choices). I would say the biggest issue with this game is that the character movesets could probably do better at feeling like they belong to those characters. Aang and Korra are the two characters that I noticed this issue with the most as a fan of Avatar The Last Airbender. I don't really feel as though bending is used to its fullest extent, nor do I feel as though their movesets really captured who they are in a significant and meaningful way, and I think the game struggles and lacks that sense of character variety due to this. That being said, it has some great music and is a fun time with friends, and I'm glad I got the chance to give it a try.